Beauty Bulletin

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4.7 50 0.5
Cleansers,Toners,Washes January 17, 2017 1444
Neutrogena® Hydro Boost Range review by Varisha
Overall rating
Neutrogena Hydro Boost reviews:

Neutrogena Hydro Boost Gel Cleanser
A few weeks ago I was sent the new Neutrogena Hydro Boost range to try out and review. I was a bit weary with using the product at first because my skin is quite temperamental with new products, but I went forth and used it. I have used a gel cleanser before, which all seemed to damage my skin, so I opted for a cream cleanser. With this product though I found it to be some-what different. It wasn’t as soapy as other gel cleansers which was great, and didn’t sting my skin.

Despite this and I did love it at first, after the third or fourth use, my skin started to feel taught and tight, and the next morning to my horror I had a patchy ashy complexion, where my skin started to flake around my cheek area. I stopped using the cleanser immediately.

I was sent three products, their Hydro Boost Cleanser Micellar Water, Hydro Boost Water Gel Cleanser and their Hydro Boost Gel Cream Moisturiser.

Hydro Boost it certainly does! If your skin is not temperamental around use of different products.

Would you recommend this product to someone else?
Yes depends on what your skin type is and what you are looking to achieve. Otherwise if your skin is like mine, then No.
Would you repurchase this product?

Neutrogena Hydro Boost Micellar Water

I was sent three products, their Hydro Boost Cleanser Micellar Water, Hydro Boost Water Gel Cleanser and their Hydro Boost Gel Cream Moisturiser. This product I loved the most out of the entire range.

There is such hype nowadays around micellar water and its benefits to your skin, and I have tried quite a few on the market, and this one comes close to one of the more expensive ranges I have used.
At first like the gel cleanser, it stung my skin, and I was very worried as to what it might do in the long run. After stopping use of all products after the third or fourth day, and when my skin settled a bit, I opted to just using this product out of the range that was sent to me.

I use it once a day at in evening before applying my night cream.
I noticed a slight change in my complexion which was great. I used this product every alternate day, so my skin didn’t react as drastically to it. I am still using it now, which is a good sign.

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Neutrogena Hydro Boost Gel Cream
One of the products I received was the Hydro Boost Gel Cream.
I do love gel creams, as they aren’t as heavily oil based as others and they don’t leave a greasy film over your skin. I enjoyed this product at first as well like the cleanser, but my skin reacted so badly to the new range that I opted to not use any after about the fourth or fifth day.

The nice thing about this product was that it is moisture intense, perhaps too much so for my skin or too little perhaps, or my skin was just reacting to something else. It was lightweight, and non-greasy, which I loved most. What I didn’t like was that my skin still felt taught and tight after its use.

I can’t comment on what my skin would have looked like if I had used it for a longer period of time. But after my reaction to the product I don’t think I would have been able to walk outside without a ton of makeup.

Would you recommend this product to someone else?
If you have combination skin sure. Otherwise I wouldn’t recommend it.
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