Neutrogena® Visibly Clear Correct and Perfect duo review
(Updated: July 18, 2016)
Overall rating
Hello Ladies!
I was lucky enough to receive the Neutrogena Complexion scrub and CC cream to try out. Now I'm sure everyone always says this, but I really have loved Neutrogena since about two years ago when I discovered their face wash range. Now, a little bit of a backstory to my skin, is that I have very oily, acne-prone skin. I was battling with acne until I tried out the Neutrogena face wash range. My personal favourite was their grapefruit exfoliater as it worked wonders on my acne!
When I saw the opportunity to review a new face wash AND CC cream from Neutrogena, I was pretty excited, as their products seem to work well for my skin. I have oily cheeks, and forehead, but generally a dry T-zone, so it's difficult to find a happy medium in face wash cleansers.
I started using the Neutrogena Exfoliator in the evenings when I showered and the CC cream in the mornings when I put on my makeup. I added some concealer to the CC cream when I had nasty impurities I wanted to cover, but the CC cream does a great job on it's own. I chose it in Light complexion colour, as I've lost my tan quite a bit, and figured I could bronze it up, if it was too light. Luckily it worked out just fine.
Week 1:
After my first use of the Neutrogena Complexion Scrub, I got pretty bad outbreaks of acne. Now, my first thought was that this was all the gunk coming out of my skin, so that's good. Obviously it makes one self conscious having huge pimples pop up on your face. The next thing I noticed was that my T-zone became incredibly dry to the point where it started flaking. At this point I realised that I had to space the Complexion Scrub's usage to every 2 days, to give my skin a break. I also had to hydrate my skin a few times a day with moisturizer, to make up for what it was losing.
Week 2:
The acne went down quite a bit and the CC cream covered well over pores without any primer. I did always use a moisturizer under the CC cream, as my skin was too dry without and the CC cream did not apply very easily without a moisturizer underneath.
Week 3:
The acne started to clear around my forehead, but more popped up along my jaw. I have experienced this before with face washes, as all the gunk needs to be removed before healing can take place. I want to continue using these products and hopefully be able to give a fully tested positive review.
Overall thoughts?
I like the texture of both the scrub and the CC cream, however, the exfoliator is incredibly drying for my skin type and perhaps should be used in conjunction with Neutogena's facial moisturizer. The CC cream is thick, so a little goes a long way. One must moisturize before putting on the CC cream, as it just sits on the dry areas, making them more obvious. I would really like to see how this product continuously works for my skin, because I'm sure it is a great product, but just needs more time to do it's thing for my skin.
Both of these products are R99.95 and are easily available at Clicks and Dischem.