Beauty Bulletin has, yet again, so kindly gifted me with a beautiful product to review. This Neutrogena face wash is by far the best I have ever used. I have terribly oily skin and after a week of daily use my skin's oiliness has been reduced drastically. It works like magic! I wish I could post pics of my face before and after, I actually tried but unfortunately my phone's camera doesn't show it properly so you're just gonna have to take my word for it. Seriously though, it is amazing. .. smells good too! It couldn't have come at a more perfect time coz I was actually looking around for a new face wash to use but I was scared to try out new brands, I mean, imagine wasting 70 bucks on a face wash that does nothing for you, you feel me? So yeah, I'm definitely making the switch! Totally convinced! Beauty Bulletin, I don't know how to thank you guys for making my life so easy! This is a must-try for all you shiny faces out there, tried and tested! Oil free skin is THAT easy to attain, who knew?! I call it my lifesaver in a bottle. ;)
Much love, from a very satisfied (and matt-faced) Neutrogena supporter.