Final Review of the Product
Hey guys.
I am just absolutely stunned with how amazing this range works. My skin is fully clear, less oily and so vibrant.
This product has been so good to me, even during winter, as most products dry my skin out completely in the dry seasons. This range has kept it quite moist, yet still oil free! My biggest problem was pimples on my chin and after using these products for a couple of weeks they have gone completely! I am still a bit scarred, however that should heal within time.
I've also noticed the redness on my cheeks has also reduced drastically which allows me to finally be able to leave the house without putting on BB Cream to cover it up. I also don't need to cover up the blackheads on my nose anymore because they are practically non existent now!
I really am thankful for this product and will keep using it as the results have been remarkable!