New Sensuous Nude

sensuous_1A Seductive New Fragrance As Personal And Intimate As Your Own Skin


The launch of Estée Lauder’s Sensuous in 2008 defined a new positioning in fragrance for the Estée Lauder brand.

There is nothing more sensual, more provocative or more appealing than a woman who feels comfortable in her own skin and Sensuous Nude is a fragrance born to live and breathe on bare skin. Addictive, textural, tender and intimate to the touch, Sensuous Nude is a scent to reveal the woman underneath it all. Experience an exciting new dimension of sensuality with the power of a new fragrance as personal and intimate as your own skin.

“Modern sensuality is intimate, comfortable and effortless. It is rooted in the appreciation of skin as the portal to life’s deepest sensorial experiences. The intimacy of touch and the connection to bare skin brings a heightened, more personal dimension to these moments, allowing us to feel and experience more deeply,” says Karyn Khoury, Senior Vice President of Corporate Fragrance Development Worldwide, The Estée Lauder Companies Inc. “Sensuous Nude captures this vision of modern sensuality and bares all the warmth and softness of a confident woman at her most open and free.”

The Fragrance
Unveiling the natural elegance and sensuality that is womanhood, Sensuous Nude glows with cozy Musks that radiate and linger like a second skin. Characterized as a Woody Musk fragrance, Sensuous Nude’s powerful yet direct, minimal construction is sensual to the core, just like today’s woman.

Modern Radiance Accord
In the beginning, sparkling clarity is achieved with the freshness of Sicilian Bergamot and pulpy Mandarin contrasted with the vibration of exotic Baie Rose and invigorating Black Pepper.

Intimate Femininity Accord
Next, modern femininity is revealed through a heart of intoxicating Jasmine Petals and delicate Muguet combined with a splash of luscious Coconut Water.  Finished with a touch of Honey and laced with Musk, the body of the fragrance engages all the senses in an immersive experience.


Addictive Sensuality Accord
In the end, the velvety warmth of bare skin is captured in the defining core of translucent Musk. Balanced with an infusion of warm Sandalwood, luxurious, glowing Amber and the Sensuous franchise signature, Melted Woods NaturePrint®, the soft, sensual intimacy is completed with delightfully unexpected hints of warm Heliotrope and creamy Vanilla.

The Advertising
Created by Doug Lloyd of Lloyd and Co in collaboration with Aerin Lauder, Style and Image Director, Estée Lauder, and shot by world-renowned photographer Craig McDean, the advertising campaign features Brazilian model Isabeli Fontana in a warm, invitingly intimate setting with the sun softly glistening off her radiantly nude skin and body sensuously draped in a gauzy, blush nude wrap.

“The ad visual is very sensual,” said Aerin Lauder. “It was inspired by the original Estée Lauder Youth Dew ad from 1953, which featured the silhouette of a nude woman stepping into a bath.”

The advertising captures in imagery the essence of modern sensuality – the effortlessness, comfort and intimacy – and of the fragrance and its relationship to bare skin. Warm, intimate, personal and confident, the imagery brings to life the sensorial experience of skin as the canvas on which fragrance comes alive.

The Packaging
Sensuous Nude is packaged in a new shade of the signature Sensuous bottle. The bottle design maintains the feminine spherical shape, delicate fluting and sophisticated rose golden cap of the original fragrance, but features new highlighted tones of nude blush to berry pink that capture the fragrance’s soft, intimate, textural sensuality. Reinforcing the luxuriously intimate impression, the exterior packaging features a deep rosy pink reflective finish and custom pearl nude shade center panel outlined with an embossed rose gold frame.
Sensuous Nude

Suggested Retail Prices:
30 ML R575
50 ML R765
100ML R995
Availability: NEW Sensuous Nude will be available at Estée Lauder counters nationwide from September 2011




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