Okay first of, I was fustrated with this product, it only later my edges for literally 30 minutes and I have 4c natural hair. I put it aside and started using Aunt Jackie's flaxseed gel, which was more effective but didn't last long either. So I decided to combine the two by applying both together, starting with the edge control, there was more improvement but not enough until recently I switched the routine and using the Aunt Jackie gel 1st then I apply the pre edge control on top and it last those edges for the whole day, they don't look as proper as they did in the morning but at the end of the day they're still layed. The product is bad on it's own I must say unless combined. The flaxseed gel is moisturizing so my edges are not crusty at the end of the day. So overall I'll be buying this edge control again but before that I'll try out other ones that might be strong on their own.