Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.2 7 0.5
Conditioners February 11, 2016 883
One of My Favourite Conditioners
Overall rating
I firstly have to say that I absolutely love the ORS range as a whole.

During some time last year I decided to actually start taking care of my hair and I researched countless blogs and youtube pages and everybody was raving out the ORS range and more specifically, the Replenishing Conditioner.

I have to say, I went from being a relaxer girl, had a big chop a couple of years ago to see if I could fix my texture. I kept my hair in its natural state for most of University and then decided to texlax my hair in the beginning of 2015. And at the same time I was advised to try the ORS range because its good for African Hair and has a whole lot of natural products in it.
I use the Replenishing Conditioner after a wash when I take my weaves / wigs out or if I do not have a weave or wig in, then I use it to co - wash because it is quite moisturizing if you do not start with a shampoo and can clean the hair quite well as a co - wash, so my hair stays moisturized and clean, all at the same time.
The product also helps with damaged / dry hair, which I suffer from, this is the product for you.
So if you want to try out a healthy and caring hair treatment then this moisturizing Replenishing Conditioner is for you.


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