
Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.6 20 0.5
Shampoo August 30, 2018 2800
(Updated: September 17, 2018)
Overall rating
When I looked at the Plantur39 products I always associated it with luxury and when the opportunity to test and review the New Plantur39 range for people who colours their hair I was more than willing to participate.

The Plantur39 Colour Brown has pigmintation which helps intensify your hair colour. When receiving the Shampoo and Conditioner, one thing that stood out was that the products contains Phyto-Caffeine which nourishes your hair and helps to prevent hair loss. The shampoo and conditioner also has a lovely smell and I love that when you leave it on your hair for at least 5 to 15 minutes it really helps to intensify your hair colour. It also really looks like a hair colour when you leave it on your hair.

The shampoo and conditioner is both brown in colour and its leave your hair looking and feeling great. My hair colour intensified with every wash and it had a nice glossy shine which I never experienced with any shampoo and conditioner for coloured hair.

The shampoo and conditioner is especially formulated for people 40 and over and I must day that even though I am thirtysomething it works for my hair as well. It is never too early to start looking after your hair and hair loss is a real thing at any age. The Phyto-Caffeine in the products also helps to combat postmenupausal hair loss and helps to restore fine and brittle hair.

The shampoo and conditioner is a bit pricey, but let's face it, all good quality products cost more than usual. I lived the texture of the shampoo, however the conditioner in my opinion is a tad bit runny. The products is also made for the inbetween colouring and it is also supposed hide regrowth. In my case, the products did not do that as my natural hair colour is darker than the brown colour I normally dye my hair.

Overall the shampoo and conditioner is a great combination and I will continue using it. My intensified hair colour and healthy looking hair was definitely noticable from the first wash.

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My roots
Plantur39 - after 10th wash
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  1. Andrea


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