Beauty Bulletin

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5.0 58 0.5
Anti-Ageing Creams July 07, 2014 2040
My POND'S Age Miracle 7 Day Challenge
(Updated: July 09, 2015)
Overall rating
This review is what this review is not. There’ll be none of that lab rat technical jargon I can NEVER understand in any beauty product tell-all. I know anything age defying is a mystery to all and its expected that when we talk about them the main thing is to mind-boggle with words none of can pronounce. Mine is typical of any beauty product review I’d want to read…it speaks about my obsession with my skin and unending pursuit of making it look photo-shopped without the help of make-up. And in this case I’ll be talking about how the Pond’s Age Miracle range has helped me in that pursuit.

It was a cartwheels-out-of-bed kind of morning literally when I got the email from BB telling me I’d be reviewing Pond’s Age Miracle range. The opportunity came just as I’d come to realise that make up was just not taking care of all of my skin problems. I hated the fine lines across my forehead and laugh lines alongside my mouth and how foundation just seemed to accentuate them by settling right inbetween the cracks when all I want is to wipe them from the face of the earth. I could kick myself for not preventing them when I had the chance but be that as it may, I was beyond ecstatic at the chance of participating in this 7 day Pond’s Age Miracle full range trial.

I got to work immediately, needless to say. And this is my experience. *Drumroll*…

I took the skin test first as set out as a guideline…now hear me out I did admit a few sentences ago to having concerns about fines lines right? Great. But as you’ll probably agree with me when it comes to catastrophic annoyances like aging lines, unwanted kilo’s, cellulite you want to believe you’re being paranoid about them, infact there’s very few other instance I find paranoia so appealing. Now here I am looking at this small paper gadget that’s potentially about to cause problems between me and my paranoia. I took the test – rubbed the powder on the eye corner area as prescribed - and the results…. Check enclosed pic.

Urghhh. SOME fine lines. But otherwise smooth skin. *ahem*

I went into full combat mode.

Cell ReGen Facial Foam

Loved the smooth luxury feel, I just wanted to continue lathering it on my skin. Not too foamy, just the right consistency to give myself a mini cleansing facial. Subtle smell, which was also very pleasant given the number of products I still had to follow on with. My skin did however feel abit tight after but was pleasantly surprised with how bright it appeared. In hindsight I recall the back of the package promising exacty this …’instant renewal and refreshment…’ I guess my focus was mostly on seeing results on the fine lines.

Cell ReGen Toner

One of my best products in the range. Conditioned my skin beautifully especially after the tight feeling I got from the Cleanser. More brightness and my skin just felt more supple. Again, great smell – clean and fresh. I'd highly recommend to always use the toner after cleansing.

Intensive Cell ReGEN Serum with Intelligent Pro-Cell Complex

Wow. Here it was mostly the texture that wowed me. My skin just seemed to instantly absorb the product. It had the most unique feel on my skin, extreme conditioning and just so smooth. From day one I was extremely expectant about this product based on how my skin responded to it but because I used multiple products all in the same treatment I found it difficult to pinpoint the exact visible results from the Serum.

Cell ReGEN Day Cream SPF 15 with Intelligent Pro-Cell Complex – For normal/dry skin

Sigh. Now when I opened my package after fetching it from the Post Office, I was bowled over by the packaging of the Day Cream, infact I thought this was the Rolls Royce of the entire range. Stunning container and definitely high end appeal. As soon as I applied it on my skin however I dreaded it. It has a white film residue that just does not get absorbed but just stays there the whole day giving me an extremely unsightly ghostly look. I figured my foundation will do the trick and it did faze out the whiteness but then it changed the texture of my foundation. My coverage looked dry and lacked the dewiness I like from using a day moisturizer underneath my foundation.

Deep Action Night Cream with Intelligent Pro-Cell Complex

I had the same experience as the Day Cream the first night I applied this product, white film residue, not easily absorbed… but the nights following that I found that it worked better with the Serum as a base. Infact the 2 together were great as an evening treatment. Non-greasy and my skin felt ‘cared-for’ as I slept.

Dual Action Eye Cream

This is where I invested all my hopes and I have to say this thing delivered. I’ve never used eye cream products so I didn't know what to expect. It’s a dual-action cream, one for the upper eye and the other for the under-eye area. The upper eye promised a lift while under-eye a reduction on puffiness and discoloration. It so happened on day 3 I had a very late and stressful night and ordinarily I’d have to contend with unsightly bags and puffiness around my eyes the morning after such a night but after applying the eye cream I waited to see what the results would be. I’m pleased to say, I woke up fresh-faced with just a little puffiness, barely noticeable.

Through out the 7 days I can’t say I’ve seen progressive results by that I mean I had the same experience with the products as I’ve been having from day 1 BUT I will say. Since day 6 to date, I’ve left the house without ANY foundation and you have to know me to know that I NEVER EVER leave the house fresh-faced EEEEVER. And I look good too (if I do say so myself) But the real wonder is this….check below

My 2nd Test. This is with an even bigger smile. You be the judge of these before and after pics. I’d post actual pictures of my skin but the

I’m definitely excited at the prospect of continuing with the treatment. I was highly impressed with the 7 day promise, moreover by the results so I can only eagerly anticipate that photo-shopped skin after continued use.

That wraps up my tell-all for my 7 day Pond’s Age Miracle trial. Absolutely love the experience.

Because lets face it outer beauty wins all the time, hands down. Inner beauty?... Just doesn’t get much done. Like free roadside assistance and strangers offering to open your doors. I don’t know about you but no ones ever stopped me in public to give me a compliment about my kindness.
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2 results - showing 1 - 2
July 09, 2014
unfinished sentence apologies…...I’d post actual pictures of my skin but the fine lines aren't visible in all my camera lens. Which is a always good thing :) That said, hope you enjoyed it!
March 04, 2015
Thanx my darling for the review I will most def try this Age miracle range, currently I am using Flawless Radiant its also great for my skin.
2 results - showing 1 - 2

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