When i received my package i had mixed feelings as i was not sure if it really would work. Firkstly i did not believe i was already developing wrinkles or any signs of aging for that matter until i did the test at home and saw that i already had fine lines. This really worried me because, as much as i knew i was battling with oily skin, i still believed i was doing a good job with my skin, and so confident that my age was far from showing. l started my seven day challenge and i must say the scent from the facial foam is so good, it actually pushed me to using it as aften as possible. Day one not much change excep;t that after using the eye cream there was this feeling that i could not ignore around my eye- some softness, lifting kind of feeling and the day cream was just a miracle and still is. Three days down my siter visited and made a remark that really awed me. She said "what is it with you, you look so young, beautiful, there is a glow in your face that i can not explain". This was my first evidence that the product is indeed a miracle. My colleagues at work never knew how old i was and one day i got to the office and got everyone to guess.....amazing answers did i get, the best being one where someone told me i was 25! This just blew me away, and i and my secret - The Pond`s Age Miracle Cell ReGEN SPF 15. Being 34 never felt so good, oh! i mean 25...
can`t wait to buy my next pack because this is an investment, l don`t wanna show any signs of aging...even at 50. Thank you so much BB for giving an opportunity to try this otherwise i wouldn`t have even thought about trying this...