Beauty Bulletin

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4.1 6 0.5
Fragrances January 23, 2013 373
Overall rating
I scored a free sample from a friend and my oh my... ROSE ROSER ROSEST! (I just made that up). I loved the amazingly overpowering rose smell. However, when I smelled it first I didn't think much of it. If I wanted to smell like roses I would hang out in my grandmothers back yard. But the more I smelled it, the more I liked it. I can't quite figure out if it was the DKNY lable attached to it that subliminally messaged me to tap into my womanly nature to like name brands, but it stuck. My boyfriend doesn't know brands at all and he also loved it.

Girls... you don't need me to tell you that DKNY signifies quality fragrance - you know it already. Try it out at least. I did and I am sure as heck buying myself a bottle of that yummy-ness.
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