I have done a few reviews, previously, for Ralo Cosmetics and with each product that I receive, the more impressed I grow. The brand offers a wide variety of trendy products that are budget friendly while still being great quality. My heart shatters every time that I am reminded that there isn't a store in PE (my nearest store is East London - 3 hours away) but they still offer an impressive range online, too!
I was sent 4 colours; Gold, Dark Green (with glitter), Turquoise and Green
If I am honest, these are not the colours that I would usually pick for myself. I love nudes and if I am experimenting with colours - purples are for me! But I somewhat saw this as a challenge and decided to turn it into a game of creating unique looks with each colour. (Check my profile's recent photos OR go: http://www.beautyblog.co.za/2014/09/ralo-cosmetics-jumbo-eyeliners.html)
At first glance, the swatches are vibrant and highly pigmented. I am a huge fan of products that are high in pigment because that just means they will last longer and be brighter! The 2nd colour from the top was the only one which contained glitter. I found that because it contained glitter it didn't glide as smoothly or apply as neatly. The other 3 colours were all metallic shades; gold, turquoise and green.
I felt a little stumped with ideas but then realized that although you don't get the most accurate line with jumbo liners, you can double them up and use it as a eyeshadow. This is handy-dandy (yes, I just said that - go with it!) when you want to save space in your makeup bag. Also, jumbo liners last a lot longer than eyeshadow; they don't fade and appear more vivid. I like that by using eyeliner as a base, you can add eyeshadow and build it up to make unique and colourful creations. Alternatively, you can apply it on it's own, use a smudger and blend a little to give a clean and fresh look.
Big ups to the person who thought to include a sharpener as part of the lid. There was a time that this was quite a popular choice for all pencil makeup but as of late I hardly see it Usually, when I use pencils that require sharpening, I use them until they can no longer be used without sharpening them and then simply put them in with the box of other unused beauties (hangs head in shame). Seriously, though, I have half a dozen of sharpeners and even after a proper clean-up, I am lucky to come across one! BUT lids... now that is another story, I am OCD on putting the lids back on pencils and lippies, simply because I think that I am a little bit of a germo-phobe and hate thinking that pencils left out in the open are coming in such close contact with my eyes or lips! So if you're going to give me a pencil that requires sharpening, do it the right way and give me a sharpener with it!
As for quality, I think that I pretty much covered that (but maybe too brief?) I'd say that overall I was quite impressed with the quality. The pencils delivered bright and vibrant colours and glided smoothly over my lid.