Beauty Bulletin

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4.4 8 0.5
Body Treatments- Cellulite, Scarring December 17, 2012 1515
RegimA Scar Repair
Overall rating
I bought this to use for my acne scars. It comes in 2 sizes, 15ml and 100ml
It is quite Pricey but works out much cheaper if you buy the 100ml
I hadn't saved up enough to buy the 100ml so I bought 2 of the smaller tubes. 1 small tube will last 3-4 weeks.
So I'd been using it for about 2 months.
It's a lightweight cream that gets absorbed quite quickly and isn't greasy at all.
An aesthetician once said that some makeup artists use it as a base/primer and it works great.

I had been using it just before i gave birth and it really gave me the confidence to see people without wearing any makeup. I just had a baby, there was no way I could be bothered about makeup.
So it really helped me, within 2 weeks I could see my stubborn dark acne scars getting lighter. After 2 months they were barely noticeable.
The only downfall is the price. But its so worth it so save up your money and buy it.
Its available from selected spas and salons.
I haven't used it on my stretch marks because then my small tube would only last 2 days Lol
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September 17, 2014
I ordered this product after I was able to read their material and see the before and after pictures. I have very bad scaring on my legs due to eczema, so when I get my hands on this product next week I am going to do a before, process and after, cause if it works for my bad scaring it can work for anything! I visited many dermatologists who said I couldn't take it off and I would have to live with it.

Well lets see if this is really true! I am also considering doing their peel and heal treatments
Ruth Levendal
1 results - showing 1 - 1

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Jenny jg

    I started using the RegimA scar repair on my face my skin was so weak I could see the veins I can see a difference in one week.

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