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Nail Polishes February 21, 2014 143
Revlon: Parfumerie Scented Nail Enamel
Overall rating
I am sure that I am not the only one who is mesmerized by Revlon's latest product: scented nail enamel. I have had my eye on the Cool Mint and Apricot since the day of launch, but when I spotted this promo deal of 2-for-1, how could I resist? I hardly ever make use of Revlon nail polish but the unique idea of each colour having a scent is what peaked my curiosity. There were a few promo collections available but I chose this Paradise set as I felt the 070- Pink Pineapple is great for a neutral mani while the 080 - China Flower is great for toes! I kind of liked the idea that you can't smell the scent from the bottle and you actually needed to paint and allow it to dry before you could soak up the fragrance. This stops you from opening all the bottles in store and getting a whiff of them, instead of purchasing it to try. Had I the option, I would never have picked up these two, by the names of the scents, as I am a sucker for a mint (a pastel green colour) and apricot (pastel orange), so immediately wanted these to form part of my initial collection. But I am really glad that the 2-for-1 deal convinced me to try these, as there were no regrets! I love the cute design of the bottles they are different from what we are used to seeing on shelves and give you a feeling of petite elegance, just as a bottle of expensive perfume does! However, I wish they did not extend the "petiteness" to the brush applicator. In the past, I have admitted and praised brands who give a broader brush as I find you have less of an issue when it comes to streakiness. This point was proven, yet again, when applying 070- Pink Pineapple. The colour is very light, so you already have a streaky problem and needing 4 or 5 brushes to cover a full nail, doesn't help. 080- China Flower didn't have much of an issue, as it is a vibrant colour and you would only require 2, maybe 3, coats to achieve a desired polished look. I had a major challenge with the pink, as I needed about 6 coats to get the colour to look even and without any lines. However, more coats means longer drying time = unhappy and fidgety Megan. Being OCD, it drove me mad looking at how uneven the pink applied and I resorted to removing it, before I pulled out any more hair. The red was a lot better at being an even polish. I never wear rich as it often looks cheap but this particular shade managed to pull off a classy-feeling. I suggest using a top coat for the red shades, as I found that they stained my nails horribly. Now, let's talk scents. I am not sure what a pink pineapple or a china flower is meant to smell like, but if I ever come across one - I promise to update this post and tell you my findings. What I would like to say is, the scents are DIVINE! I could not stop sniffing my fingers and if I were in public, people would probably mistake me for picking my nose. The morning after application, I could still smell the fruity fragrance on my tips and am completely mesmerized by the yumminess. For this reason, I am more adamant, than ever, to continue growing my collection of this particular polish. I am also intrigued to try the other shades as I am well aware that most nudes have the streaky problem, and reds often stain. Revlon has a beautiful collection of both summery and winter shades, I wish I could have them all and paint each nail with a different scent - as they are that good! For now though, I intend on tracking down my cool mint and apricot shade to give them a try!
(See more pictures on my blog: http://beautyblogza.blogspot.com/2014/02/revlon-parfumerie-scented-nail-enamel.html)
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February 21, 2014
OMG! How cool is that, need to try it!
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