Beauty Bulletin

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4.5 26 0.5
Lipgloss. Balms, Lip Plumpers July 04, 2014 770
Lacquer that is Lekker - Revlon style
(Updated: July 03, 2015)
Overall rating
I am a huge fan of Revlon, always have been since I began using make up.

These Colourburst Lacquer Lipstick Balms further entrench that belief. To begin with they glide on like a dream and the instant cooling on the lips is perfect for our RSA summers!

I have two shades, the red shade is aptly named Femme Fatale! Both provide a deep colour that lasts all day, I am always on the go and busy in Court as a lawyer so I do not have the chance to reapply lipsticks all day, this product takes care of that.

I also further found that a lovely special where you get 2 for the price of 1!

Overall I cannot be happier with these products, I do recommend that you wear a lipliner though to give you a neater finish.
Top 1000 Reviewer
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