Beauty Bulletin

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4.2 5 0.5
Hair Dyes January 25, 2013 482
Overall rating
Okay ladies, so here is my review on the box dye that I experimented with last night. In my experience, if you try a new dye, it never seems quite as great as the one you always use. This has happened to me only a few times, where my hair is in a sad state and I cannot find my brand. I am then left with no choice other than purchasing a small saving grace from whichever brand is staring back at me.

I have long dark hair, so I tried the Revlon ColorSilk Hair Dye. The box read that there are no amino acids in the formula which I was pleased with. When I mixed the formula it didn’t smell as great as my regular brand, but then again, hair dye is generally not great smelling! So after that step was completed, I started the application which proved to be as easy as “home application” can be. I left the dye on for 45 minutes which is my regular timing as I have long hair and it requires some time for application.

Now this is where I got a bit scared. After my shower and rinsing the hair dye out, I applied the conditioner which I left on for a few minutes. My hair felt soft and I was hardly bothered by anything. It was after I rinsed the conditioner out and dried my hair that my hair felt coarse and hard. I must admit, I was afraid that my hair was damaged for good! I even contemplated applying hair treatment to my hair over night, but I didn’t due to the late hour (us beauties work too!).

I was left with only one option. Braiding my damp hair and going to sleep. Once I woke and had my morning shower, I de-braided my hair and blow dried it. During the heating process, my hair felt surprisingly soft. After I straightened it, it felt even more so! In fact, it is probably the softest it has been in a long time minus hair treatments.

So this left me with only one thing to do! Research! Many of the ingredients in the formula create a silk effect as well as protect the hair during the dying process; this is what leaves your hair feeling hardened. So alas beauties, needles to say that I am quite impressed and will most certainly be using this brand of hair dye again.

Tip: Before dying your locks, make sure your hair is as in trailer park dirty! This helps with application and effect of hair dye. Once you have rinsed the dye out, don’t brush your damp hair. It will break easier. Rather tie it in a loose braid and wait for it to dry naturally. Once dry, style and continue as per usual!

Happy hair dye days!
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