Beauty Bulletin

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4.3 2 0.5
Nail Polishes May 06, 2013 127
Revlon nail care -60 seconds quick dry spray
Overall rating
This is the first time I ever purchased this kind of product. I enjoy changing my mail colour all the time however my mani's always get destroyed as it always smudges no.mattet how long I leave them to dry.
When I came across this I was interested to see how it would perform.
On first application it did make a few nails bubble however I figured out that it was because of user error and that I eas holding it to close to my wet nail
After a few more trial and error session I figured out that in order for you to get the most out of this product you have to spray it at least about 15 to 20 cm away .
Secondly if you plan on doing more than one coat of Polish you need to spray your first coat allow to dry and then do a second coat and respray it.
Thirdly I found that it does not necessarily tale 60 seconds to dry the drying time can take up to 2 or 3 minutes depending on how thick you have applied the Polish
Fourth I noticed that one spray per nail is not enough sometimes it may take more and the more evenly you spray it the better finish you achieve.
Granted for the price this isn't the grandest packaging as the nozzle is funny it sprays in the complete opposite direction than what you actually need it to.
But one you get the hang of it you will be fine .
This is a good product but doesn't deliver exactly as per it's claims. Other than that it dries my nails faster than they have ever done before so it's worth a shot
Price wise it's a bit expensive I paid R169 so I'm hoping to find a few more alternatives if not i will repurchase for the sake of having well painted nails.

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