Beauty Bulletin

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4.4 16 0.5
Mascaras, Eyebrow Pencils February 15, 2011 619
The mascara every women would love
Overall rating
At the price of R125 rsp, this mascara is a great deal. i have tried many different houses for mascara but i keep coming back to revlon because the result speak for themselves. i am a women that prides herself in beautiful eys, so a good masacra is a def must have.
this mascara, is clump free and works from the first coat, results are visible. im not sure if my lashes actually grew but my lashes are beautiful,thicker and longer and simply gorgeous.
it has lasted me now 4 months and it still works like a breeze.
however there is one drawback-the size of the applicator. it is extra large and it takes sometime to adjust to it, one will find themselves messing their upper eyelid until they are use to the the large brush- however this drawback can be rectified and is worth going through for a great masacra.
Top 100 Reviewer
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