I am attracting everything that is for my highest good. New opportunities, new energy, new mindset & new connections.
For the past few weeks I’ve been trying these interesting manifesting techniques, an hour before I go to bed I switch off my phone & I lay down, I think of all the things I want in my life & say it out loud. Each time I’ll ask myself why I want it & then reply but I have to imagine that I’ve received & the way it makes me feel? #feelingisbelievingsa ?
E.g: “I want to attract new opportunities for myself” WHY? “Because they’ll open doors for me & I’ll move closer to my dreams which will make me feel happy & accomplished” As I drift into sleep my subconscious continues thinking of these affirmations. We create with our minds, the last thing you think about your subconscious believes & creates. @revlonsa Love That Shimmer scent makes me like I can attract great things to my life, visualize my highest self then start showing up as her.