Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.5 38 0.5
Fragrances June 10, 2019 1762
Revlon LOVE THAT Velvet
Overall rating
Tropical island fest is what this fragrance is! The aroma, fruitiness & sensual element to it made it one of my favorite. Though I can’t compare it to the other brands I’ve used, it still complimented the type of scents I mostly enjoy.

Pastels - it felt light, it had a sense of humour as it made me feel excited but calm, sexy yet cute, girly but tomboyish at the same time.

We all know what the colour purple can resemble or mean to others, but this type of purple I wanted to have as part of my day all the time. I traveled everywhere with it, it lingered in my room for the longest hours as well.

In terms of packaging? I would’ve added a literal velvet element to the bottle, it would add that difference to the bottle. Velvet resembles touching & feeling because of the fabric you’d automatically relate it too, so why not add a velvet touch on the lid?

It some point, it reminded me of candy floss and everything sweet, tarts! Also adding to the aromas, it can be a bit musky to most but it was the lightest out the three tested.

3/3 for this one, it exceeded all my expectations in the brand and range.

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