So I'm a huge Revlon Fan and I've never ever had a problem with any Revlon product, however when I first tried the Revlon Nearly Naked foundation, I'm really not sure what happened.
So I'm a toast in all Revlon foundations, however a few weeks ago I tried the Nearly Naked in Toast and my skin looked oily and completely fake and unnatural, I was so horrified that I just never thought I'd bother to try the product again. (I have previously reviewed the product)
Luckily Revlon South Africa sent me a box of products to review and I noticed that they had sent a Nearly Naked in Medium Beige. The colour is around 4 or 5 shades lighter than my usual foundation but since I got a chance to review it, I decided to try it out.
When I applied the foundation to my skin it was exactly the way I had applied it the first time, I used a little bit of foundation and less moisturiser before the application. I noticed that my skin was still a bit oily, however this time the foundation looked more natural than the last, which I found strange because normally I wouldn't change shades to get a more natural look and I haven't changed my skin tone.
So I do apologise if I slammed the Revlon Nearly Naked but I was being honest and that is true that I had a completely horrible experience with the foundation, unfortunately. The good news is that I solved the way to keep the oiliness away, I've used the powder which comes in the Nearly Naked range which prevented the caking look.
So my new views about the product. Uhm check the shade you choose? It could be that the regular Revlon Foundation just doesn't work out in the whole Nearly Naked range, but hey I still think it's pretty hard finding the exact shade if you're in a hurry and bedsides not all the stores I've seen this foundation in even have the colour you're going to be looking for.
Other than that I noticed that the foundation gave an okay coverage, with the powder it had a better coverage, however I wasn't a fan of the bottle, mainly because the bottle was slightly long and didn't have any way to take out the foundation (no mixing stick on the cap or pump) so I guess that could be a bit of a problem unless you don't mind tipping over the bottle each time to apply it.