Beauty Bulletin

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4.3 2 0.5
Shimmers, Bronzers, Self Tans October 12, 2010 269
RIMMEL Sun Shimmer Instant Tan Make Up
Overall rating
I love this product! Once I fell alseep on the beach with my hand across my tummy… you can imagine the tan line! So I bought this product to see if I could ‘fill-in’ my handprint, and it worked! (Anything looks better than a handprint on your tummy though). It has such a light and fluffy texture, it feels gorgeous on your skin, and leaves it looking amazing! It’s not sticky at all, and is easily absorbed. I haven’t tried this product on my face (too nervous of break outs), but its worked wonders everywhere else! It’s so easy to use, quick to apply, and fast to wash off (would not recommend swimming). I love that it’s available in a matte and shimmer finish – the shimmer finish is great for nights out on the town, it gives your skin a beautiful irridescent glow, gorgeous! The matte finish is my favourite; it’s great for anytime, anywhere. It’s definitely more versatile than the shimmer finish. Overall, this is a great product. It’s affordable, user-friendly, and looks amazing! Moral of the story - do not, whatever you do, fall alseep in the sun!
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