Schwarzkopf Palette has been the best hair dye thus far. I am very well known for trying different products and do something different. I have been getting many questions from my girls and guy friends, ladies at work, compliments from clients which I deal with on a daily +monthly basis and the temple that I go to and last but not least my family. They all want to know my beauty secrets lol. Some said that my hair is so shiny, some said that my hair looks so full and some said my hair looks so healthy. And of course I told them my secret and what the products contains. They are so egar to buy them . This product has been given me amazing results, together with that it exceeded my expectations. The dye does have a good smell, but the conditioner smells even more amazing! The dye did not stain the shower floor. I am so pleased with the end results.
My mum And my Granny both received one box each. They both really loved it as the dye gave them so much coverage on their grey hair. And they are so pleased that they will start purchasing this product on a monthly basis.
Thank u @beauty_bulletin for giving me the opportunity to review these amazing products. It always brightens up my mood when I receive a package from you guys! ??@Schwarzkopfsouthafrica #turncolourintoluxury