Shattered Nail Polish Trend!

OPI-Katy-Perry-Collection-Spring-2010-swatchesI am not the biggest nail polish junkie out there but when I do come across a product or colour that I just have to have expect to find me first in line. A friend of mine recently introduced me to a product that has gone straight to the top of my “I must have this or the world will end list” allow me to introduce you to OPI Shatter . Shatter is the revolutionary nail polish that you apply over your dry base coat causing a cracked stained glass effect. This amazing product first launched as part of the Katy Perry collection and was only released in black . OPI have now released shatter in 6 additional colours, turquoise, navy, silver,  blue , red and white to fulfill all your Shatter dreams!

The first thing you need to do is apply your base coat colour be sure to choose a colour that will stand out and allow you to see the shatter affect best. Be sure to allow enough time for your base coat to dry before applying Shatter.

Once your base coat is completely dry apply a coat of Shatter to your nails. And here comes the really fun part you get to watch your nails shatter right in front of your eyes. Shatter reacts differently depending on the pressure you use, the amount of coats you do and the direction you paint the shatter on your nails will all depict a different result. So be sure to try all these different methods and see what suits your nails best as well as what method works for you. A thinner coat will result in smaller shatters and a double coat will result in bigger chunkier cracks. A sideways application will change the look all together and the colour of your base coat will determine the impact of the application.

The last step is to apply a topcoat to the application to achieve a shiny finished look. The topcoat will also prevent chips and allow the application to last longer. As far as I know black shatter is now available in stores so there is no time to waste go give your nails the latest nail polish trend and get absolutely shattered!

Article By:
Danna Gordon

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