LAST BUT NO LEAST, RESULTS!! As mentioned many years I’ve struggled with dark underarms due to shaving and harsh ANTI-PERSPIRANT products which I am sure a lot of you can relate to. This left me feeling extremely self conscious about my underarms. But with @shieldza & the 7 day challenge I was offered to say goodbye to UNEVEN SKIN-TONE and #HelloEvenToneSA with #ShieldReady that reduces dark marks and provides protection with one of its main ingredients being B3. DID THIS WORK FOR ME? Initially I was very skeptical about this product and the promises it makes with a time period of only 7 days. So I put it to the test with @daylanfabiano & Meah Fane (MY FIT SQUAD) and we all saw results respectively. Personally the 7 days was not enough for me, this could be because of the damage under my arms or because 7 days is really not enough. But I did notice the darkness appearing lighter. However, @daylanfabiano & Meah had a greater result to mine. @daylanfabiano said “this product is easy to use and apply. I’m really excited to see if this formula lives up to what it says!!” Meah said “as a young women having dark underarms is not MY VIBE! I started my challenge 7 days ago & i have seen great results. This product is my savior!!” That’s all from us! GIVE IT A TRY AND LET US KNOW HOW IT WORKS FOR YOU!! #shiedready #helloeventonesa