Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.4 63 0.5
Deodorants, Powders, Sprays March 16, 2016 1590
shield confidence,motion sense
Overall rating
Active the whole day? Gym sweats, road running, foul smells after work out,spring cleaning...shield confidence is your answer...branding is perfect and how it works is fully defined on the packaging making it easy to choose when you shopping knowing all foul smells ate targeted by Shields microcapsules that burst with any sensation of movement.

It's no lie that you feel fresh and confident right through the day,and the bubbling burst of freshness with movement you feel as though you have just applied the roll on. No need to be checking time and again if you offending people next to you with you smell, more sweat more activity more FRESHNESS.

I have used shield motion sense for the past 3 weeks,no rash, no irritation whatsoever just perfect and it does deliver what it's said to deliver...freshness that can last a lifetime. so in love with it so far only a few of my running team have purchased it,and are surely loving it and the new Shield advert has made it easy for me...when they ask what deo/ perfume I use I just say shield motion sense roll on and they relate to the,it really does work wonders nice scent throughout. ,no doubts.

The price you would swear it's not effective because its very cheap and the best in the market

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