
Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.7 1 0.5
Eye Creams,Serums October 15, 2015 384
The Skin Doctor in a Bottle
Overall rating
It's clever "for-all-skin-types" formula meant that mum and I could use it together and track it's results separately - which we have.

What I've noticed first about this serum is it's HEAVENLY SMELL - a milky assortment of wild berries and fruit! Not surprising, since using ingredients beneficial to the skin's overall health is part of the brand's manifesto. I'm all for the idea of treating skin from within, rather than producing solely visible results.

When I pump it onto my hands, it feels light and silky, almost weightless. It transfers so well on my skin. After a few days, I had lost that course feeling of not having used a good scrub for a while. My skin was starting to look much less oily and healthier than before.

For mum, the results were even better. After 3 weeks, she looked like she'd been at the spa every day! Her deep facial lines were smoothing out day by day, her skin had a tighter, poreless, fresh look to it, her tone was about a shade brighter, and her high-bone structure was resurfacing .

We both stopped using moisturiser because it just felt too heavy, and this serum was enough on it's own. I would compare this serum to Clarin's Double Serum in quality and strength.

*P.S. Use this serum sparingly (don't overdo it with the pumping), as it's only 30ml, but so worth it!

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Vasie

    Wewre can i purchase in Durban south Africa

  2. Vasie

    Wewre can i purchase in Durban south Africa

  3. Vasie

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  4. Vasie

    More of the products and were can i purchase the products in durban South Africa

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