Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.3 2 0.5
Cleansers, Washes, Soaks July 29, 2015 354
Skin Republic Foot Active 20 Minute Treatment
Overall rating
I have never tried hand or foot masks so when I received this product, I was treading on unfamiliar territory. After a quick read-through of the instructions, I decided to tear open the packet and dive in.

It is very easy to use. Clean and dry your feet. Put the booties that are supplied on your feet. Leave them to brew for 20 minutes.

When you apply the booties, it feels creamy and a bit wet. I just relaxed on the couch for 20 minutes. At some point I wondered whether this product would actually work as I did not experience any sensation on my feet at all. I thought it either warm up or cool down my feet as it contains peppermint and clearly smells of it.

After 20 minutes I was a bit hesitant to remove them, as I haven't felt any sensation yet. I took them off, massaged the residual cream that was left on my feet into my skin and put on some comfy socks.

After about 5 minutes of wearing my normal socks, the peppermint sensation kicked in and my feet were warmed up and I could feel the mask working.

Today, my feet is extremely soft like a baby's bottom.

The lesson I learnt with this product is to be patient and allowing time for the product to do it's job properly.

Would I repurchase it? Yes I definitely will.

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