Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.6 23 0.5
Lipsticks September 29, 2014 632
Smashbox Be Legendary Lips
Overall rating
In all three products I especially loved the easy sweep of colour with a long lasting sparkling shine. My lips felt nourished and well moistened. The product has a divine smell and doesn't leave you with an odd taste in your mouth as many lip products do. Even after the product completely wears off (which takes some time) you are still left with a lovely colour stain on your lips. Prices are ever slightly above average but you really do not need to use a lot which would allow the product to last longer, should you take care in keeping the product clean.

This is what I especially loved in each product:

{Lip Liner}
This lip liner is in such a gorgeous hue that can even be used full coverage as a lipstick. The always sharp feature is a complete win!

{Lip Lacquer}
What I love about this lip lacquer is that you need only use a drop for full lip coverage. Only downside is that although you don’t need a lot of product you do really have to rub lips together a few times for the colour to appear evenly spread. This is fine for home application but not for when you need to reapply in public without a mirror.

{Lip gloss}
The lip gloss was my favourite out of all three. It’s perfect to use on its own or over a lipstick. Its packaged in a pretty bottle with a very convenient sponge tip applicator that ensures a quick, smooth and even application.

Tip: Use the lip liner with the lip gloss as I found this combo works fantastically!
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2 results - showing 1 - 2
October 15, 2014
Great post Sarah, the colour looks good on you.
Melissa Craig-Petersen
October 15, 2014
You have made me want to go and buy this now :) Brilliant post :)
Natalie Osmond
2 results - showing 1 - 2

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