Beauty Bulletin

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4.0 2 0.5
Eyeshadows March 22, 2013 155
Love Me Eye Shadow Palette in Entice Me
Overall rating
Continuing my reviews of the Smashbox Love Me range, I will reviewing the beautiful eye shadow palette in Entice Me. I love the packaging of the palette with the cute Love Me piece of plastic that lifts up to fully expose the eye shadows. I really love the fact the the palette has a little guide on the bottom because it does help one with the placement of colours. Initially when you get a palette you aren't always certain where certain colours should be used, so I liked the guide.

The 5 colours compliment each other beautifully and are so easy to apply. The powders have a creamy texture and are highly pigmented. They last incredibly well throughout the day but can easily be removed with some makeup remover or with some face wash.

I have never worn blue eye shadows before because growing up my eyes were dark brown and I have a bit of a mental block with it. But this was the perfect opportunity to play around because this palette does have touches of blue without it being overpowering.

The eye shadow palette retails for R390 and completely worth it in my opinion.
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