Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.7 17 0.5
Primers, Illuminators, Setting Sprays July 16, 2010 757
Photo Ready all day long
Overall rating

I was so excited (and honoured) to be chosen as one of the few reviewers for the SMASHBOX review club! SMASHBOX is a much sought after brand that brings high quality, on-trend products that keep you longing for more!

I received the photo-finish foundation primer.

Let me tell you about my skin:
I use foundation to cover my red blotchy skin which tends to be oily in some places while really dry in other places. Often, when wearing foundation – my forehead becomes crumby and flaky while my nose can become overly shiny. In short, I don’t feel all that glamorous!

After applying moisturizer, I apply a small amount of the primer all over my face, focusing on the areas that I experience shininess and crumbed foundation. The texture of the primer is smooth and light, leaving my face feeling silky smooth! It is quite incredible how good my skin feels after applying the primer.

Already, I notice how there is no shininess and no residue.

Next, I apply my foundation. I use Maybeline. The foundation spreads evenly with the greatest of ease. I find that I don’t need nearly as much foundation as I used to. It has a matte finish, which I adore in comparison to my usual oily look! I already feel more confident in my skin and happily posing for more selfies ;)

After 2 weeks, I started to notice the reduction of red blotchiness around my face and how the dark circles around my eyes were lightening. It wasn’t a drastic change, but a definite improvement.

I also noticed how my foundation, which would usually fade and flake by 12pm, suddenly lasted until 6-7pm, when I washed it off. This was great, considering I haven’t had to invest in a fancier, more expensive brand of foundation. I didn’t even need to partner it up with a SMASHBOX foundation!!!

I decided to play with the primer, and used it on my eyelids. It made the colours more vibrant, there was less fall out AND it lasted all through the day – FANTASTIC!

I believe that the price is a definitely worth it, as you use SO little and it makes any foundation look classy and like you took out a second mortgage on the house to afford it! It removes oil and helps improve the natural appearance of your skintone, leaves you looking flawless and gives any girl that confidence that they deserve!

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