Yeah…it is more than an attitide and yes this is larger than life. What in the world am I talking about? Its my new foundation from Sorbet.
Yes…It is a big deal. For years I have struggled to find a foundation which suites my combination skin and finally I found my match. I went to Sorbet Tygervalley on Saturday and asked one of the consultants to match me.It was love at first touch. What I loved most about this full coverage foundation is that it covers all my blemishes…uhm…what am i talking about….Yes…I have blemishes. One of my insecurities. We all have those. Thanks to my new full coverage foundation which comes with a concealer built in on top…and yes, it has a mirror as well….I am covered for all things life throws my way.I wore my foundation whole day, from a girls afternoon out to the evening when we had our monthly supper I was covered and received so many compliments. Yes, it was well worth my R299 spent. Yes, that is all I spent on this little piece of miracle.What I love about this foundation is that it contains vitamins A, C and E and it also contains SPF 6 which is sufficient provided that your moisturiser also contains an SPF.Thank you Sorbet for creating such perfectly packaged products which is easy on the budget and lasts all day long.