Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.8 15 0.5
Anti-Ageing Creams March 16, 2020 1029
Sometimes Natural is the Best
Overall rating
I have always been on the search for a product that friendly to my skin as well as being eco & animal friendly but found that a lot of brands claimed to be animal friendly but their packing lacked the eco friendly requirement, until Beauty Bulletin gave me the opportunity to try out the Sukin Purely Ageless range.

I waited a good few days to receive the products and while waiting I did all the research I possibly could, reading up on the brand, finding out the benefits of the product. When reading their "Our Story" on their website I got to know the brand and everything that stand for and all the nasty ingredients that they leave out. I was a bit apprehensive to go full swing with the products as I was worried about the possibility of making my eczema flair up as well as making my skin break out.

But to my surprise my eczema didn't flair up and nor did I come out with any breakouts, instead using these products resulted in smoother, more even toned and hydrated skin! I watched as my small fine lines became smoother and noticed my skin got a lot more plump - the good kind of plump!

After using this product I don't think that I will turn back to my usual skincare products that I thought were good enough for my skin!

I would highly recommend this to anyone that is looking for the good kind of anti ageing products, that are human, environmentally and animal friendly!

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