Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.8 15 0.5
Anti-Ageing Creams March 16, 2020 1029
Purely Perfet
(Updated: April 15, 2020)
Overall rating
When shopping for skincare or beauty products, 2 non-negotiable things I look for are that the brand is animal cruelty FREE and that it does not use harmful cancer-causing parabens. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that the Sukin skincare range not only ticks these boxes but has a long list of other benefits that impress me.

This product is 100% natural, vegan, environmentally and socially conscious and leaves out the nasty, harmful ingredients found in loads of other skincare products.

I used the Sukin Purely Ageless range for about a month and I honestly feel my skin was all the better for it. My skin feels a lot firmer and brighter. I was struggling with dullness and dry skin and spot flare-ups on my chin and forehead. I can see a definite improvement. My skin is feeling more hydrated and happy. It's not an age miracle cure - I can still see wrinkles, but what skincare product is? We were designed to age and age gracefully.

I will continue using this product - I am satisfied.

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