Beauty Bulletin

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4.4 181 0.5
Feminine Hygiene November 07, 2014 2814
Tampax is more than just the #1 brand of tampons
Overall rating

Tampax ought to be declared every girl 's travelling companion. The Tampax team "believes in a world where women can live without limits," as stated by product line's Facebook page.

I decided to follow my dreams and never ever let anything red alert out sudden "breaks" in my performance speed. This journey is one that cannot be lost or sacrificed to the periods gods ever! Why then be limited?

I dread pads as they make me feel like I am carrying a bag of unworthy dirty and yes it is unworthy!
So long, I never had any monthly visit due to carrying my precious cargo for 9 months. The bundle finally arrived and excited as I was - then the visitation was on the cards. I was so weary from wearing pads yet afraid to tamper with my aching physical being. The day I decided to stop complaining about the bags I was carrying, I was so long in the queue taking precious baby for vaccination and felt that enough is enough. I loved me enough to walk into a retailer and brave it by purchasing me a cute box full of mighty weapons.

I am ever pleased and almost walked with a proud twist around my waist as I sway from side to side. Applying my journey "friend" was a smooth slide without that burning sensation that used to leave my abdomen feeling like I have just put a heavy plug that aggressively put an unnatural stop on a natural flee flow. So tampons are different after all - Tampax proved to be even better. I give big "kudos" to the applicator -> how hygienic does that get (incase I jump started the process and my hands are not thoroughly clean). Amazingly these applicators have been given a twist to be shorter thus making it extra easier to insert the tampons without struggling to separate it from its past warm home.

Behold walking feels natural and I have not given up any favorite clothing for the dark fun-strangling garments in attempts to HIDE any possible leaks. My self confidence came together after it was shattered by the red family's unannounced visit. Then I conquered with my mighty weapon which has proven its ability to absorbed thoroughly - leaks are also a thing of the past hey :)

Remind yourself that I mentioned that smoothly, the tampons is inserted allowing discreet carrying - yep you forget it is there as you go free doing you...yet the moment its gets cozy and full, it makes its present know to give you a chance to allow it to be changed. Oh did I mention that these tampons mold themselves as to your shape? Now I have mentioned it :)
Oh my oh my and to dispose of it is a dream come true - then nobody has to know what I have been up to with their reseal-able wrappers. Gone are those days where I have to stumble around with larger amounts of tissue paper wrapping my secret.

For so much peace - I surely have not paid much at a reasonable R35 > yes to that!
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