Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.4 181 0.5
Feminine Hygiene November 07, 2014 2814
Overall rating

When the package arrived at my home last month was a bit of a downer as I had just departed with mother nature. I was really keen on trying out something new for a change.

It has been a long wait and the excitement of "first time reviewer" got the best of me!
However I took a look at the whole packaging and the feel of a tampon applicator.
The plastic object send me cringing with worry of hurting myself at first as I have never used a tampon applicator before. I was also a bit sceptical about the look and feel of the tampon when taken out of the applicator. I thought of maybe a factory fault.

I am currently on day 3 and I must say pretty I'm sold at this whole applicator business.
It took about two frustrating tries in using the tampon applicator. Safe to say I am now a pro.

As a first time user of Tampax tampons , I am quite happy with the comfort and had no accidental leaks! There is no need to use a panty liner from now on.

I'd definitely recommend the new Tampax Compak tampons.
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