I was excited to see how the Tampax Compak tampons match up against Lilets tampons as I have been using Lilets for years.
I really liked how small the Compak tampons were compared to other brands... they really are easy to hide or carry with you. I also found the normal size one to be very comfortable.
But when I wanted to use the larger size I was very disappointed unfortunately :-(
The tampon did something strange... I can't really described it but I took a photo of it to show you. I opened the one after the other and all of them did it (only the larger ones, not the regular ones). I am not sure if this is a defect and if it is supposed to do it, but I did not like it at all and could not wear it like that. What I also didn't like was the noise the wrapping makes... when us girls go to the bathroom to change our tampons we don't want the whole world to know what we are doing in there and to me it feels like the wrapping just makes to much noise when opening it... maybe that's just me.
So overall I like the size and feel of the regular but not the nasty surprise I got when I tried the larger one for heavier flows.