Beauty Bulletin

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4.4 181 0.5
Feminine Hygiene November 07, 2014 2903
Tampax Compak
Overall rating
Firstly a little about myself, I have a light to medium flow and only use applicator tampons. I have tried numerous of brands yet I always turn back to Lil-lets. After hearing about Tampax Compak review club I decided to give this new innovation a try, First impression I loved the actual size of the neatly wrapped applicator, was easy to secretly carry to the ladies room.
Even though I have used applicators for a number of years I still read the instruction leaflet and inserted as stated. Within an hour or so I felt extremely uncomfortable as though the tampon had not inserted properly so decided to remove it, upon removing it was uncomfortable due to the tampon having met it’s full purpose as well as my personal opinion that the tampon expands long ways and not side ways made the removal even more so uncomfortable, and actually quite painful.
So first experience was unsuccessful, so I decided to attempt again, and not long after I experienced the same uncomfortable feeling it was although the tampon was moving “down” after this I decided to go to the shop and purchase my regular Lil-lets. So for me personally I am not in favour of Tampax Compak and also prefer that the swelling outwards (Lil-lets) instead of longwards(Tampax) and strongly believe this for me is why Tampax does not win my vote.
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March 16, 2015
Apologies I meant to say I had to remove it even though the Tampax tampon HAD NOT met it's full purpose.
Bianca Welgemoed
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