Beauty Bulletin

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4.4 181 0.5
Feminine Hygiene November 07, 2014 2903
Tampax Tampons- A woman`s Best Friend
Overall rating
In all my life since the beginning of my periods, I have only exposed myself to one brand of tampons and developed my trust. But as I started using the Free trial pack I got from BB, I was so perplexed at the effectiveness of this product. I am someone who has a heavy floor such that I would usually use a tampon and a pad to avoid leakage. But this time around things were very different, my flow was the same, but it felt so different because I had a new friend, insertion was so smooth, so much you wouldn`t feel you just put anything in. I would literally forget that I have something in, the level of absorption in the Tampax Compak tampon is so wow! I didn`t think I will ever find any other brand I can trust when it comes to my periods, that was until last week when I had an opportunity to put to test this awesome product.
The plastic applicators are so easy to dispose of without making everybody know that it is that time of the month and makes the insertion better than using your finger directly.
Thank you BB for exposing us to such awesome things
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