Beauty Bulletin

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4.4 181 0.5
Feminine Hygiene November 07, 2014 2902
Tampax Compak
Overall rating
So, I've never really liked tampons very much. I didn't find them that comfortable at all and they are generally a lot more expensive than pads. I figured, why waste money one something I didn't get to choose that happens to me each month. I did, however understand, that sometimes tampons are just more convenient for certain outfits and occasions, so when I saw an opportunity to review the Tampax tampons, I was like, why not.

Firstly, they arrived super fast, so shout-out to Beauty Bulletin and the courier company for crazy fast delivery. Secondly, the packaging of how each tampon is wrapped, cute! I seriously does look like sweets! My dad walked into my room and poked one, and was like, "are these sweets," to which I replied, "no dad, they're tampons." His face slightly paled and he left the room. Shame.

I'm not one to be fooled by packaging, as it is usually a waste considering the world's environmental stance right now, but the packaging on the individual tampons is really great, because you can throw them in a jacket pocket, hand bag, pencil case, without it looking obvious that it is in fact a tampon.

The actual applicator is a cool concept and all, but I'm honestly not convinced that it is necessary. It is a waste of plastic. Now I don't want to sound like a crazy environmentalist, but the applicator is thrown away immediately after use and that is it. Yes, I suppose it could be recycled, but how many people in South Africa actually recycle? I know the point of reviewing the product was not necessarily looking at materials used, but I think it is something we should consider. I've read the previous applicator was cardboard, is this not a better concept considering it can be recycled, or at least broken down naturally?

Moving on to effectiveness of Tampax. The product itself worked wonderfully. Great absorption and relatively comfortable. So that was a hit.

Would I recommend Tampax? Yes and no. Yes, because the product works well and the packaging is nice and discreet. No, because I'm just not sold on the idea of all the embodied energy involved in manufacturing plastic applicators.

Everyone to their own opinion, however I have noticed that the beauty world is becoming more conscious of the environment, which is pretty cool for the future.
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