Rehidrat has always been a well known and trusted brand in my opinion! It has also long been a remedy in my family for rehydrating after a tummy bug, hangover, over exercise, or any other reason that has left me dehydrated. As far as I know there is nothing else on the market that is as effective and affordable as this! Although drinking it is never under an enjoyable circumstance, it has always been extremely effective. This product has definitely stood the test of time and has maintained its brand image over many years!
Being a personal trainer and power lifter I find myself training twice a day 5-6 times a week. This leaves me feeling drained and low. Rehidrat is an awesome and cheap way for me to replace any lost electrolytes and fluids lost through intense training and it keeps me feeling energised and healthy week after week. Because it is cheap I don't have to worry about how often I use it!
Because I have always found Rehidrat to be the cure for dehydrated circumstances, it is always the first remedy that comes to mind! Rehidrat is definitely top of mind when it comes to needing to restore my body back to normal!
I love that there is a large variety of flavours and I'd have to say my favourite is vanilla, closely followed by a tie with Orange and Blackcurrant.
I will definitely continue using this product for many years to come!