Beauty Bulletin

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4.7 26 0.5
Health and Wellbeing September 13, 2016 4039
Rehidrat Oral Electrolyte Mixture - Blackcurrant
(Updated: September 22, 2016)
Overall rating
Whether you’re looking for a little boost, a revive or a full on hydrated burst, why not invest your ‘hydration needs’ in a glass of Rehidrat? Whether you’ve had a long run and need your body to recover, or you’ve been unwell and need a major boost, it’s nothing that Rehidrat can’t fix. Our family has put their trust in Rehidrat, being our number one saviour, especially during those months of the flu and gastric flu going around, as dehydration can really take a toll on your health and body and make you feel miserable, that’s why you should always hydrate… sorry REHIDRAT.

Have you ever wondered what exactly Rehidrat is?
Well, Rehidrat is a powdered glucose electrolyte mixture, which is meant to replenish electrolytes and fluids which get lost from our body, through various ways.

Every single one of us have experienced dehydration, throughout our lifetime, whether we were aware of it or not. Dehydration is a condition that occurs when the loss of body fluids, mostly water, exceeds the amount that is taken in, therefore with dehydration, more water is moving our of our cells and bodies than what we are taking in through drinking water. We lose water everyday in the form of vapour in the breath we exhale and in our sweat and every time we visit the bathroom, which also causes our bodies to lose small amounts of salts as well, therefore quenching your thirst with a Rehidrat, every now and then, would really benefit you in the long run!

How do you know if you’re dehydrated? Many of us don’t even notice signs of dehydration because we’re too busy dealing with our everyday busy schedules. Here are a few signs of dehydration:
* Increased thirst
* Dry Mouth
* Dizziness
* Fatigue
* Inability to sweat

So today I’m going to talk about my Journey with Rehidrat, if you’ve been following my Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, you’d see I started my week by taking a sachet of Rehidrat. This past weekend has been absolutely hectic, I was busy in the kitchen cooking most of my weekend and I didn’t rest enough, which showed full effect on Monday morning. As soon as I was up (4:30 am) my eyes felt heavy, and I was feeling lethargic and drained, I quickly boiled up a glass of water and left it to cool while I got ready for work. I quickly prepared my sachet of Blackcurrant Rehidrat and drank it, while travelling my usual 1 hour to work, I begun to feel a lot more refreshed and my agitated lethargic feeling had vanished and I managed to pull a fully functional day in the harsh weather with no fatigue or ill feeling at all.

Before I get into my main review, I want to quickly go through the steps of preparing a glass of Rehidrat. Whipping up a glass of Rehidrat is pretty simple, here are the steps:
Step 1: Boil a minimum of 250ml of water (each sachet of Rehidrat will require 250ml of water)
Step 2: Let the freshly boiled water cool in a glass or mug.
Step 3: Once the water has cooled, tear open a sachet of Rehidrat and dissolve in the glass by mixing quickly with freshly cooled water.
Step 3: Drink up your mixture to revive and rehydrate your body!
REMEMBER: Always discard any unused Rehidrat solution after 24 hours, rather mix up another batch to keep hydrated.

So when Beauty Bulletin informed me that I was chosen to be apart of this review team, I was ecstatic, so much that I even got my boyfriend on team #RehidratMe. Being a beauty blogger, I know the importance of always being hydrated and how important hydration is for good glowing skin, so the same day, I stopped at my local Clicks, and got myself a box of Rehidrat. There are 5 flavours to choose: Blackcurrant, Orange and Vanilla, while the Rehidrat Sport has Naartjie and Lemon and Lime. I’ve always been a fan of Blackcurrant Rehidrat, basically I have no idea why, I love the taste though, so I went straight for a box of the Rehidrat Blackcurrant, which contains 6 sachets of Rehidrat, while my boyfriend chose Rehidrat Lemon and Lime to give him that boost for his Sanlam Run in Cape Town last week Sunday. Today being my fourth day into the 2 weeks #RehidratMe project, I’ve already invested my hydration needs in two sachets of Rehidrat.

Rehidrat is our family’s preferred brand of electrolyte mixture, I can’t remember ever trying another brand other than Rehidrat. This past week has been the first time I’ve turned to Rehidrat for a boost when I’m not sick, generally I reach for Rehidrat if I have the flu or gastric flu (which means Rehidrat is a MUST!) Basically being a communications officer means you’re always out and about, in different weather conditions, which always affect your hydration levels. During this week, I’ve turned to Rehidrat twice to give me a boost and make me feel a little less agitated and much more revived. I find Rehidrat to be quite effective when it comes to making you feel much more refreshed and revived, and the yummy burst of flavour blackcurrant taste, makes it a whole lot better, as nothing feels as energizing as quenching your thirst and boosting your body after a long day in the sun like a chilled glass of flavourful Rehidrat. If you’re ever looking for a boost in hydration, with electrolytes to revive your body, make sure you pop by Clicks or Dis-Chem stores where you can pick up a sachet or a box of Rehidrat for your hydration needs.

A big thank you to Beauty Bulletin and Rehidrat for choosing me to be apart of this project as I would have never realised how amazing Rehidrat actually is to have regularly rather than only when you’re sick. Ever since the beginning of this week, I keep a Rehidrat sachet in my bag for whenever I need an emergency boost which will be good for my body, while my boyfriend will always be keeping a sachet of Rehidrat for his gym days as he is an everyday kind of gym person, plus he loves to run every morning and his body needs that extra boost all the time. So a heartfelt thank you again to Beauty Bulletin and Rehidrat for this opportunity to be introduced to an old product with a brilliant new use for my hydration needs.

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Beauty Bulletin Review: How to make a batch of Rehidrat
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