Rehidrat is not a new product in my life - I used to take it whenever I had stomach flu or was a bit dehydrated and needed an electrolyte replacement.
It's simply brilliant at replacing lost electrolytes, something I know because I always feel better after taking it (and not because I'm a scientist or doctor).
I give it to my son when he's had diarrhoea or stomach flu, and it's not something that I only self prescribe - often doctors and pharmacists will recommend it too.
Currently I'm having a daily dose of Rehidrat - having just had a baby, I include it in "Jungle Juice", a tonic made up of Rehidrat Blackcurrant, apple juice, water, Schlehen Berry Elixir and Rescue Remedy. It's said to boost milk supply, and give energy and hydration to new moms.
I also run long-distance races and often replenish with Rehidrat after just to prevent possible dehydration but to feel an immediate spring in my step (even on tired legs!).
My favourite flavour is blackcurrant as I find the orange and vanilla slightly too sweet for my taste.