I was lucky enough to be contacted by Beauty Bulletin to do a review on REHIDRAT. Now, I have only been using Rehidrat for about a year now. I'm a student in my fourth year at University, and as a student, I am a very busy person. Then again, we are all busy people, so listen up! Sometimes when you are super busy, you simply forget to drink water. I drink my two or three cups of tea during the day and that's my hydration for me. Which is TERRIBLE. By the end of the day, I have a ginormous headache. These headaches had been going on for about 3 years. Yes, that's right. A headache every day for three years! I went to a homeopath once, and she informed me that my body was extremely dehydrated. I knew that I wasn't drinking enough water, but sheesh. I was introduced to Rehidrat like any other student has been - after a night out, my friend handed me a Rehidrat, and I gulped it down. To my surprise, and for the first time, I didn't wake up in the morning feeling like a tumbleweed was rolling around in the desert that was my body.
Nowadays, there is no time for parties - but Rehidrat has still been my trusty companion. I still really struggle to drink water during the day - as I've said before, I simply forget. Drinking all that tea tricks my body into thinking that I am hydrated, and I don't feel thirsty. Night time comes and I still have work to do, but I have no energy and I have a headache. It is nights like these that I can easily rejuvinate myself with a Rehidrat. It comes in three different flavours - blackcurrent, orange, and vanilla. I have always gotten myself blackcurrent and orange, because it tastes just like juice. I normally shy away from vanilla because vanilla-flavoured juice does not sound very appetising. However, for the purpose of this review, I bought myself a vanilla Rehidrat, and can I tell you - it is freaking DELICIOUS!! It is super sweet but when you are feeling like your sugar levels are low (or if you are just using that excuse because you just want a sweet treat), honestly, the vanilla Rehidrat is the one to go for.
In 2014, I was diagnosed with a horrible (and invisible) disease called Endometriosis. Amongst other things, this [stupid] disease leaves me feeling exhausted, all the time. I actually don't know enough about my own disease (it is relatively unknown so information is hard to find and symptoms tend to differ from person to person) but I blame all my problems on my disease (because I can. Ha). I have dry skin, the headaches of course, and, let's get real here, a little IBS (thanks Endo). And, I can honestly say that Rehidrat can help with all these things. I now take Rehidrat religiously every week, to help with the little boost that my body needs. When I exercise, I find that it helps to take my Rehidrat BEFORE going, as it keeps up my energy levels, and prevents me from feeling dizzy.
It is easy-peasy to use, I just pour the contents in a mug, pour half a cup of boiling water and half a cup of cold water and mix it all around. If you don't like the effervescent taste of it, I would recommend mixing in a little bit of concentrated juice. Or when it has cooled down, pour it in a wine glass. Everything tastes better in a wine glass. However, Rehidrat tastes just like juice (or sugar water, in the case of the vanilla flavour), so it is delicious as is.
I really really desperately wanted to make a video showcasing this product because we have had a long (ish) journey together and I wanted to show my appreciation, but like I mentioned, I am a busy girl and I have to write my thesis now (sigh)! Nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed this review/diary entry! ;)