Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.7 26 0.5
Health and Wellbeing September 13, 2016 4039
A must-have in any household!
Overall rating
These rehydrate sachets are ALWAYS in stock at my home. I am a huge fan! When I was chosen to review them, I didn't even have to go out and buy because I already had a selection!

Some days are just so busy that the time flies and you get to the end of the day and realize you have had much too little fluids. REHIDRAT saves the day! Just mix one sachet with a cup of (filtered or distilled) water and you'll feel a lot better. The same applies for if you have a hangover, best cure! ;) As well as if you've had a bug or been a bit under the weather. I like to keep them around for so many things. Dehydration is really a big deal and you can never be safe enough when it comes to your health.

They come in a variety of 3 flavours and in my option the other two taste great, except the Vanilla, I can't stomach that one for some reason. The orange is my favourite!

HUGE FAN and I highly recommend this product.

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