Rehidrat is a lifesaver! Whether you are exercising, working long hours or have after work drinks - rehidrate is perfect for every situation as is acts fast when the body is dehydrated. I always keep a sachet in my handbag. At the moment i am working long hours so my steps for success is coffee, rehidrat, repeat! Remember don't just hydrate - REHIDRAT
Thank you @Rehidrat! My boyfriend suggested I try #Rehidrat when I mentioned my energy levels were low and was suffering from fatigue which are some of the struggles that come with having pcos. When he gave me one to try I instantly felt energized, had a spring in my step but more importantly had a smile on my face again! The next day I asked him for another sachet; he laughed, left me the rest of the box. I have never looked back since and sing its praises to everyone! @Beauty_Bulletin @Rehidrat #RehidratMe
Rehidrate is a product that I've relyed from the time I was a kid till now, it has always come in handy to fight off flu for me when I have no desire to eat comes in handy in the summer when I feel a little dehydrated so I'd recommend it as a product to keep around the house at all time as its also very affordable.
I've always had to buy the normal Rehidrat for my guy as he's a fitness junkie. When I saw the product on Beauty Bulletin, I thought it would be fun to try it. I'm a couch potato, I ashamedly have to admit. I get up at 5am, leave work 45 minutes later and only return home after 6pm. This does not leave me with much energy to do anything else except flop on my bed and be glad I'm home.
Since I've started using the Rehidrat Sport Naartjie flavour, I have more energy. I get home and have a spring in my step. I'm more active now as well. My normal step count per day is about 6000, but I've gone so far as to increase it to 10 000 steps without getting tired. Last week I had the 'flu and this worked like magic. My headaches disappeared much quicker. I normally use 250ml cold water to dissolve one sachet, but when I was sick, I used about 125ml per sachet and I think because it was so concentrated, that's what helped me get better much faster than I normally do. I love this and what's also great about it is that it's HealthyCare approved. Even my teenage daughter loves this. The only reason my Rehidrat Sport is safe from my guy, is because he does not like naartjies which works out well for me :) This is really great for everyday use and I highly recommend it. I'm even keeping a sachet or two in my bag with me at all times for just in case.
With everything that went on yesterday I was so exhausted ? and felt like hell . So to fill you in i had to fly to Jhb at 10:30 ??? drive around Looking for the studio to meet Joel janse van vuuren (Amazing SA designer ) discuss my dress design details etc . Jhb was absolutely hot and dry unlike the weather we had in Durban for the past few days I felt so nauseous and dehydrated. After my meeting with Joel I headed back to the airport to come back home so you know that i had 1 hectic day I was KO by the time I got home. This morning I felt so slumped and sluggish I opened my bag took out my @rehidrat and took a satchet it's almost 11am I feel so much more energetic and full of life. My job doesn't allow me to sit around all day so being so busy is definitely going to cause physical exhaustion but im happy that i took the initiative to get @rehidrat by hearing about it on @beauty_bulletin it's my go to for days like these #rehidrat #rehidratme
It’s almost Summer and the weather is heating up which means I am spending a lot more time being outdoors, especially hiking. If you had to go through my hiking bag you will more than likely find a gopro, some cellphone chargers an energy bar or two and most importantly a few packets of Rehidrat and water!
If you don't know what Rehidrat is, it's a balanced mixture of sugar and salts, which replaces the electrolytes in the body and treats dehydration. The reason I love taking it with me on long hikes is that I never know what might happen. We usually try and take at least 1,5 liters of water per person but when the weather heats up and you are climbing a steep mountain that water might disappear quicker than you thought. If you mix in a sachet with some of your water before you finish it all you might end up thirsty but at least not dehydrated so no dizzy spells or feeling sick, which can lead to accidents and even worse.
My boyfriend Michael was the one that got me into drinking Rehidrat as he was always in the mountains, sometimes for hours. I actually didn't want to drink it at all because I thought it was not going to taste very great. I tried the blackcurrant and orange ones and they were actually not bad at all although in the case of staying hydrated that shouldn't even matter!
I really think Rehidrat should be something everyone keeps inside their first aid kit, handbag, hiking pack and even in your car glove box. You really never know when you or someone else might need it. I have so many examples where I have seen people, especially on trails that have not packed enough water because they did not check the length of the route and that could really get you into trouble. Michael and I even helped a big group of hikers once that had no more water left and still about two hours of hiking to do. They were lost and we had to give them directions as well as some water and Rehidrat as they had no food or water left.
Be safe this Summer and pack some Rehidrat whether you are going to the beach, on an epic hike or even a festival!
Since my children were babies, we have always had Rehidrat at home to assist with Rehydration during bouts of tummy bugs and other nasty incidences of runny tummies etc. Now that they are older and relatively bug-free, I've found that if I'm feeling run down or exhausted, have forgotten to drink enough water or my head is pounding, a sachet of Rehidrat in boiled cooled water is a fantastic way to 'pick-me-up'. Even for hot days when everybody has been on the beach or at the pool and we are feeling bedraggled, Rehidrat is the healthy and wise choice to rehydrate, energise and relax. I would definitely recommend Rehidrat to anybody who is conscious about staying healthy. A hydrated body is a healthy one!!
The irony of the timing of this review is not lost on me. For the past 2 weeks my little toddler has been ill, and one of the side effects he was experiencing has been constant vomiting. In the short space of 2 weeks he has lost 3 kilograms - more than 20% of his body weight. This is not a review about sick kids, but it is a review on Rehidrat and how it has come to my, and my families rescue more times than I can remember. I've been constantly giving my child small doses to keep him hydrated which has worked wonders. He prefers it mixed in with an apple juice of sorts... as even 1 year olds know when something the are eating or drinking is even slightly medicinal! Not only did it work for him but its been a saving grace for my husband and I when we were training for Half Iron Man and when we both succumbed to a tummy bug.
Rehidrat tastes good, which means it's an easy solution. I personally prefer the vanilla flavour, but because we are both athletes we tend to keep the Naartjie sport flavour in the house. Rehidrate is also easily accessible which means its even more convenient, especially when you need it fast.
Always keep a couple of sachets in your home medicine box, its really a wonder fix and suitable for all ages.
These rehydrate sachets are ALWAYS in stock at my home. I am a huge fan! When I was chosen to review them, I didn't even have to go out and buy because I already had a selection!
Some days are just so busy that the time flies and you get to the end of the day and realize you have had much too little fluids. REHIDRAT saves the day! Just mix one sachet with a cup of (filtered or distilled) water and you'll feel a lot better. The same applies for if you have a hangover, best cure! ;) As well as if you've had a bug or been a bit under the weather. I like to keep them around for so many things. Dehydration is really a big deal and you can never be safe enough when it comes to your health.
They come in a variety of 3 flavours and in my option the other two taste great, except the Vanilla, I can't stomach that one for some reason. The orange is my favourite!
When I was approached by Beauty Bulletin to be part of the REHIDRATE campaign and review the product, I felt a sense of deja vu. It was just earlier that week that one of teachers who works with me collapsed during our sports period because of soaking up way too much sun and being dehydrated after a few hours of intensive sports practice. It was then that I mentioned the REHIDRAT sachet to her. A few hours after consumption, she had recovered and had no longer felt light headed or worn out.
I've been gulping down packets of REHIDRAT for a few years now as it has slowly become a tried and tested solution to almost everything in our household. From scorching sun over exposure to post diarrhoea dehydration, we sip on the drink to reenergize and feel refreshed.
The easily dissolvable powder, sinks in to 250ml of water to make a potent mixture which replaces the much needed electrolytes in your body. The drink replenishes your energy as well as hydrates you. The fact that the sachets can be purchased at affordable prices and has no side effects, preservatives, artificial sweeteners or colorants means that you can consume the sachets as often as need be.
I initially found the REHIDRATE blackcurrent flavour to be very bitter and not pleasing to my tastebuds, but I'm glad that the new and improved lemon & lime sports flavour tastes much better and can be digested easily in a few sips. The orange and vanilla flavours are great alternatives too. The fun part of REHIDRATE is that it can be mixed into a glass of your favourite juice, colddrink or flavoured water, if you really cannot consume the drink on its own.
We all know how busy life gets, between juggling all our commitments and focusing on our careers, we tend to be unable to find the time to even drink the required amount of water. Having a sachet that counteracts the effects of dehydration which fits our handbags and our lifestyle is glorious and much needed especially now during these hot South African Summer days. Currently I am having a REHIDRATE drink post gym workouts and I am feeling hydrated and I know because of it I am performing to the best of my ability.
I can ramble on and on about the benefits of the hydration powder but words means nothing unless you grab a glass, dissolve the powder and feel REBOOSTED, REENERGIZED, REFRESHED AND REHIDRATED for yourself!
Read more about REHIDRATE on my blog:
A couple of weeks ago I purchased Rehidrat Oral Electrolyte Mixture from Clicks. And I'm pleased to say it has been a complete game changer for me.
As a mom I always bought it and kept a couple of sachets, for emergencies, fro the kids. It never occurred to be that it could be something one could incorporate into their lifestyle for overall wellness.
Now you must know, I work a job which requres me to be on the road most of the day. The heat is shocking! I love spring, but spring doesn't seem to love me back ? I suffer from such bad allergies where my nose goes up in flames, the minute a window is opened or that I step outside its non stop sneezing, feverish symptoms and cold sweats at night. The cold sweats especially meant I'd wake up feeling exhausted.
So in comes rehidrat. When I discovered that I could use it to compensate for the sweating, I have since cone up with a refreshing version. Water, orange juice and lots of ice. It really has made my mornings bearable and my late afternoons not as slow as they used to be.
I highly recommend this. When your children just seem offish after a long day at school, when you generally feel drained or after days filled with bottomless coffee and a few cocktails. Most times we don't recognise dehydration when it comes to adults, but its tell-tale signs like random headaches, skin not looking so great with very fine lines, fatigue etc.. Yes drink water, but when you find yourself at rock bottom, Rehidrat will replace those electrolytes immediately and water will help to maintain that balance.
I was lucky enough to be contacted by Beauty Bulletin to do a review on REHIDRAT. Now, I have only been using Rehidrat for about a year now. I'm a student in my fourth year at University, and as a student, I am a very busy person. Then again, we are all busy people, so listen up! Sometimes when you are super busy, you simply forget to drink water. I drink my two or three cups of tea during the day and that's my hydration for me. Which is TERRIBLE. By the end of the day, I have a ginormous headache. These headaches had been going on for about 3 years. Yes, that's right. A headache every day for three years! I went to a homeopath once, and she informed me that my body was extremely dehydrated. I knew that I wasn't drinking enough water, but sheesh. I was introduced to Rehidrat like any other student has been - after a night out, my friend handed me a Rehidrat, and I gulped it down. To my surprise, and for the first time, I didn't wake up in the morning feeling like a tumbleweed was rolling around in the desert that was my body.
Nowadays, there is no time for parties - but Rehidrat has still been my trusty companion. I still really struggle to drink water during the day - as I've said before, I simply forget. Drinking all that tea tricks my body into thinking that I am hydrated, and I don't feel thirsty. Night time comes and I still have work to do, but I have no energy and I have a headache. It is nights like these that I can easily rejuvinate myself with a Rehidrat. It comes in three different flavours - blackcurrent, orange, and vanilla. I have always gotten myself blackcurrent and orange, because it tastes just like juice. I normally shy away from vanilla because vanilla-flavoured juice does not sound very appetising. However, for the purpose of this review, I bought myself a vanilla Rehidrat, and can I tell you - it is freaking DELICIOUS!! It is super sweet but when you are feeling like your sugar levels are low (or if you are just using that excuse because you just want a sweet treat), honestly, the vanilla Rehidrat is the one to go for.
In 2014, I was diagnosed with a horrible (and invisible) disease called Endometriosis. Amongst other things, this [stupid] disease leaves me feeling exhausted, all the time. I actually don't know enough about my own disease (it is relatively unknown so information is hard to find and symptoms tend to differ from person to person) but I blame all my problems on my disease (because I can. Ha). I have dry skin, the headaches of course, and, let's get real here, a little IBS (thanks Endo). And, I can honestly say that Rehidrat can help with all these things. I now take Rehidrat religiously every week, to help with the little boost that my body needs. When I exercise, I find that it helps to take my Rehidrat BEFORE going, as it keeps up my energy levels, and prevents me from feeling dizzy.
It is easy-peasy to use, I just pour the contents in a mug, pour half a cup of boiling water and half a cup of cold water and mix it all around. If you don't like the effervescent taste of it, I would recommend mixing in a little bit of concentrated juice. Or when it has cooled down, pour it in a wine glass. Everything tastes better in a wine glass. However, Rehidrat tastes just like juice (or sugar water, in the case of the vanilla flavour), so it is delicious as is.
I really really desperately wanted to make a video showcasing this product because we have had a long (ish) journey together and I wanted to show my appreciation, but like I mentioned, I am a busy girl and I have to write my thesis now (sigh)! Nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed this review/diary entry! ;)
My 14 year old son is a swimmer which means he trains 2-3 hours from Mon-Sat.
A few months ago he started really struggling with cramps. We tried everything and then a coach suggested we use rehidrat (together with a stronger dose of magnesium). So we initially used 3 sachets once off and then a sachet a day for 5 days.
It really did help Cameron. Now we make sure that there is always a good supply of rehidrat at home and when they have been training really hard or when he has not taken in as much water as he needs to he just takes some rehidrat! He can dissolve it in his water bottle and take it with to training.
Even before we discovered this we have always had at least 1 or 2 sachets of rehidrat in the house. With 4 kids in the house, the chances of someone getting sick is pretty high and with the younger ones, it is so easy for them to get dehydrated. It is generally pretty easy to get it into them and helps to prevent them from dehydrating.
You can get Rehidrat at Clicks and Dis-Chem stores nationwide and Pick n Pay.
It is R11.95 per sachet in the following flavours:
· Vanilla
· Orange
· Blackcurrant
But you can also buy it in boxes. I generally buy a few different flavours at a time.
Living in these times of always being busy it's simple to lose track of how much water one is consuming. Better yet it's very easy not to see the signs and symptoms of dehydration.
I experienced some symptoms: tiredness, irritability, dry mouth, fatigue. And didn't think much of it until landing up in the doctors office. My doctor prescribed the regular Rehidrat (vanilla flavor is my favorite).
After drinking 2 sachets overnight, I woke up feeling like myself again.
I now use Rehidrat when I feel the symptoms and when my husband complains about feeling overly tired and fatigued,because it's most effective and affordable, plus it really easy to make. Just mix the sachet with one cup of freshly boiled and cooled water and enjoy.
Living the busy lives we live, sometimes we need help getting our bodies rehydrated and Rehidrat will do just that. No disappointments.
Being a Full-Time employee and part-time student means busy days in the office and long nights in the books and I needed something to boost my way out of my fatigue and something that wouldn’t be harmful to my body (as I tried other products previously which made me really ill) l and I’ve found exactly what I was looking for in Rehidrat .
Growing up with a qualified nurse as a mum - Her first recommendation when we were either sick , had an sports event at school event or just needed a an effective source of hydration - it was Rehidrat :) .... It is pleasant tasting , easy to use and the sachets can fit in your hand bag or gym bag with no hassle . I always have a sachet with me!
My favourite flavour is Blackcurrant ? Just mix 1 sachet with a cup of boiling water - place in the fridge to cool down and then enjoy!
I would highly recommend this to anyone who struggles withdehydration, feeling sluggishness or fatigue .
Our busy lifestyles demands more than just water to get us through the day - Try Rehidrat , you will not be disappointed!
Rehidrat is not a new product in my life - I used to take it whenever I had stomach flu or was a bit dehydrated and needed an electrolyte replacement.
It's simply brilliant at replacing lost electrolytes, something I know because I always feel better after taking it (and not because I'm a scientist or doctor).
I give it to my son when he's had diarrhoea or stomach flu, and it's not something that I only self prescribe - often doctors and pharmacists will recommend it too.
Currently I'm having a daily dose of Rehidrat - having just had a baby, I include it in "Jungle Juice", a tonic made up of Rehidrat Blackcurrant, apple juice, water, Schlehen Berry Elixir and Rescue Remedy. It's said to boost milk supply, and give energy and hydration to new moms.
I also run long-distance races and often replenish with Rehidrat after just to prevent possible dehydration but to feel an immediate spring in my step (even on tired legs!).
My favourite flavour is blackcurrant as I find the orange and vanilla slightly too sweet for my taste.
I travelled from Durban to Richardsbay for a workshop two days ago. When I arrived in Richardsbay I had hot curry for dinner boy did I suffer the following morning. Besides being tired from the drive I had a runny tummy the whole morning! I had the Rehidrat blackcurrant flavour on me and I took a sachet. Not only did I feel better I was revived emotionally as well! I had more energy and happier. It tastes very nice and works very quickly. I would definately recommend Rehidrat to all the hardworking ladies!
Whether you’re looking for a little boost, a revive or a full on hydrated burst, why not invest your ‘hydration needs’ in a glass of Rehidrat? Whether you’ve had a long run and need your body to recover, or you’ve been unwell and need a major boost, it’s nothing that Rehidrat can’t fix. Our family has put their trust in Rehidrat, being our number one saviour, especially during those months of the flu and gastric flu going around, as dehydration can really take a toll on your health and body and make you feel miserable, that’s why you should always hydrate… sorry REHIDRAT.
Have you ever wondered what exactly Rehidrat is?
Well, Rehidrat is a powdered glucose electrolyte mixture, which is meant to replenish electrolytes and fluids which get lost from our body, through various ways.
Every single one of us have experienced dehydration, throughout our lifetime, whether we were aware of it or not. Dehydration is a condition that occurs when the loss of body fluids, mostly water, exceeds the amount that is taken in, therefore with dehydration, more water is moving our of our cells and bodies than what we are taking in through drinking water. We lose water everyday in the form of vapour in the breath we exhale and in our sweat and every time we visit the bathroom, which also causes our bodies to lose small amounts of salts as well, therefore quenching your thirst with a Rehidrat, every now and then, would really benefit you in the long run!
How do you know if you’re dehydrated? Many of us don’t even notice signs of dehydration because we’re too busy dealing with our everyday busy schedules. Here are a few signs of dehydration:
* Increased thirst
* Dry Mouth
* Dizziness
* Fatigue
* Inability to sweat
So today I’m going to talk about my Journey with Rehidrat, if you’ve been following my Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, you’d see I started my week by taking a sachet of Rehidrat. This past weekend has been absolutely hectic, I was busy in the kitchen cooking most of my weekend and I didn’t rest enough, which showed full effect on Monday morning. As soon as I was up (4:30 am) my eyes felt heavy, and I was feeling lethargic and drained, I quickly boiled up a glass of water and left it to cool while I got ready for work. I quickly prepared my sachet of Blackcurrant Rehidrat and drank it, while travelling my usual 1 hour to work, I begun to feel a lot more refreshed and my agitated lethargic feeling had vanished and I managed to pull a fully functional day in the harsh weather with no fatigue or ill feeling at all.
Before I get into my main review, I want to quickly go through the steps of preparing a glass of Rehidrat. Whipping up a glass of Rehidrat is pretty simple, here are the steps:
Step 1: Boil a minimum of 250ml of water (each sachet of Rehidrat will require 250ml of water)
Step 2: Let the freshly boiled water cool in a glass or mug.
Step 3: Once the water has cooled, tear open a sachet of Rehidrat and dissolve in the glass by mixing quickly with freshly cooled water.
Step 3: Drink up your mixture to revive and rehydrate your body!
REMEMBER: Always discard any unused Rehidrat solution after 24 hours, rather mix up another batch to keep hydrated.
So when Beauty Bulletin informed me that I was chosen to be apart of this review team, I was ecstatic, so much that I even got my boyfriend on team #RehidratMe. Being a beauty blogger, I know the importance of always being hydrated and how important hydration is for good glowing skin, so the same day, I stopped at my local Clicks, and got myself a box of Rehidrat. There are 5 flavours to choose: Blackcurrant, Orange and Vanilla, while the Rehidrat Sport has Naartjie and Lemon and Lime. I’ve always been a fan of Blackcurrant Rehidrat, basically I have no idea why, I love the taste though, so I went straight for a box of the Rehidrat Blackcurrant, which contains 6 sachets of Rehidrat, while my boyfriend chose Rehidrat Lemon and Lime to give him that boost for his Sanlam Run in Cape Town last week Sunday. Today being my fourth day into the 2 weeks #RehidratMe project, I’ve already invested my hydration needs in two sachets of Rehidrat.
Rehidrat is our family’s preferred brand of electrolyte mixture, I can’t remember ever trying another brand other than Rehidrat. This past week has been the first time I’ve turned to Rehidrat for a boost when I’m not sick, generally I reach for Rehidrat if I have the flu or gastric flu (which means Rehidrat is a MUST!) Basically being a communications officer means you’re always out and about, in different weather conditions, which always affect your hydration levels. During this week, I’ve turned to Rehidrat twice to give me a boost and make me feel a little less agitated and much more revived. I find Rehidrat to be quite effective when it comes to making you feel much more refreshed and revived, and the yummy burst of flavour blackcurrant taste, makes it a whole lot better, as nothing feels as energizing as quenching your thirst and boosting your body after a long day in the sun like a chilled glass of flavourful Rehidrat. If you’re ever looking for a boost in hydration, with electrolytes to revive your body, make sure you pop by Clicks or Dis-Chem stores where you can pick up a sachet or a box of Rehidrat for your hydration needs.
A big thank you to Beauty Bulletin and Rehidrat for choosing me to be apart of this project as I would have never realised how amazing Rehidrat actually is to have regularly rather than only when you’re sick. Ever since the beginning of this week, I keep a Rehidrat sachet in my bag for whenever I need an emergency boost which will be good for my body, while my boyfriend will always be keeping a sachet of Rehidrat for his gym days as he is an everyday kind of gym person, plus he loves to run every morning and his body needs that extra boost all the time. So a heartfelt thank you again to Beauty Bulletin and Rehidrat for this opportunity to be introduced to an old product with a brilliant new use for my hydration needs.
Being a mom and while being pregnant and expecting, I needed something to boost my way out of my fatigue and something that wouldn’t be harmful to my little one and I’ve found exactly this in this product! . Not only that but a mega bonus for even tasting yummy! Like fruit juice.
Another bonus is that if moms-to-e re struggling with production of breast milk this is breast milk magic! Ever heard mommy’s speaking about “ Jungle Juice” ? well this is that key ingredient to that.
This product is extremely good as it takes, well took about 15 minutes for me to gain the benefits and the results to help with my issues were met beyond its standard.
I’ve used this for my entire pregnancy which has been plus 1 year ago and still keep using it coz it is that good for me and my little daughter.
My favourite flavours are the Blackcurrant, Orange and Vanilla as it reminds me of what a juice and chai-latte lover I am. Reason for choosing this is it is completely safe, even for your kiddies and its known to me my little one will gulp it down than to waste tons of money on expensive vitamins that I know she wont dare to touch or even look at.
I would highly recommend this to anyone who struggles with gaining their daily energy, feeling of sluggishness or fatigue and lack of breast milk production. Just drink 1 sachet with a cup of boiling or lukewarm water and place in the fridge to cool down. Then enjoy!
One can also experiment by adding other flavours of fruit juice to it. Like I’ve placed apple juice with the blackcurrant Rehidrat and mango juice with the orange Rehidrat.
I get these at my local pharmacy and they retail for R16.00 each a sachet.
Thank you for taking time to read up about how fond I am about this product and hope you pop by soon.
Rehidrat has always been a well known and trusted brand in my opinion! It has also long been a remedy in my family for rehydrating after a tummy bug, hangover, over exercise, or any other reason that has left me dehydrated. As far as I know there is nothing else on the market that is as effective and affordable as this! Although drinking it is never under an enjoyable circumstance, it has always been extremely effective. This product has definitely stood the test of time and has maintained its brand image over many years!
Being a personal trainer and power lifter I find myself training twice a day 5-6 times a week. This leaves me feeling drained and low. Rehidrat is an awesome and cheap way for me to replace any lost electrolytes and fluids lost through intense training and it keeps me feeling energised and healthy week after week. Because it is cheap I don't have to worry about how often I use it!
Because I have always found Rehidrat to be the cure for dehydrated circumstances, it is always the first remedy that comes to mind! Rehidrat is definitely top of mind when it comes to needing to restore my body back to normal!
I love that there is a large variety of flavours and I'd have to say my favourite is vanilla, closely followed by a tie with Orange and Blackcurrant.
I will definitely continue using this product for many years to come!
It was quite that weird because I originally wanted to do this review on the Sport Rehidrat coz I get a bit dehydrated at gym and wanted to see how I feel afterwards if I drink some ReHidrat. HOWEVER... Saturday I woke up with a lovely Tummy bug and I seriously bad one! I've been kind of glued to the loo haha. So I immediately sent the boyfriend to go stock up on Rehidrat. I also realised that this is our ritual should anyone get a tummy bug or Dihorrea or vomiting bad, we immediately stock up on Rehidrat. It's the cheapest and most effective way to replenish electrolytes and help feel less weak. So I've been drinking 3 pkts a day and even though I still have a tummy bug I can function properly, I can still go to work, I can still get up and cook because the Rehidrat makes me feel normal and not tired and not sick. Now they just gotta add magic to the powder so it takes cramps away haha.
My fave is definitely the Blackcurrant, I struggle to drink fizzy medicines coz it makes me gag but not this, it tastes really yum and goes down smoothly. I really highly recommend Rehidrat to anyone who feels slightly dehydrated or severely dehydrated, it works. Video to be uploaded soon
Rehidrat is a fantastic product to supplement with if you are feeling fatigued and if your energy levels are low. Often, without even realising so, we can easily become dehydrated, as a result of insufficient water intake, heavy exercise and stress. I found that by using Rehidrat every so often, my energy levels have improved dramatically. Often my days are spent running around from one meeting to the next, and as a result, I sometimes don't have the chance to drink enough water.
I also train intensely 6 days a week, and therefore can easily become dehydrated, so Rehidrat has really helped balance my electrolytes. On days that I know my training sessions are going to be particularly intense, I like to take Rehidrat before I begin training which improves my energy levels and stamina, and keeps me hydrated throughout the session. The potassium content in Rehidrat also helps prevent muscle cramps during workouts. Rehidrat is a fantastic product, especially for people who are particularly active.