Ocassionally I experience gastrointestinal spasms and just an overall uneasy gut which disrupts some of my daily routines. The Vital Gutrestore supplelments have come in handy in this regard because they relieve the spasms and the uneasy feeling, soon after I consume them. The Vital Multibiotic has helped me not only maintain healthy and happy gut, that has contributed to my increased energy, but also to develop a palate for healthier and more wholesome food. I am more consious of what I put into my body and only want nutritious meals. I also love the fact that my son and I can both chew the Vital Multibiotic. The Strawberry flavours is everything. The Vital Liver Rescuse Intense has also changed my life for the better because i no longer have to wake up with a hangover after a rough night out and I can go about my normal day doing normal things.