Given that I consider my hair to be one of my best features, compromising on its care is not an option.
I’ve used many products over the years none of which has given me the results that I get with Tresemme’s Colour Revitalize Shampoo & Conditioner.
My natural hair colour is light brown but the rebel in me has decided to go red. When done right, hair colouring & the upkeep of it can be quite expensive & being a stay at home mom both money & time are hard things to come by but that’s when Tresemme comes to my rescue. It’s both affordable & effective, giving me great salon looking hair right in the comfort of my home.
The results are instant &it’s effectiveness can be seen after every wash. Not only is my colour revitalised & prolonged but the health of my hair is improved upon as well. My hair looks & feels fuller with a spectacular sheen. I can confidently say that the Tresemme Colour Revitalize range meets all my hair needs.