Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.8 127 0.5
Shampoo April 16, 2018 2034
My current fave hair care products: TREsemme Keratin Smooth
Overall rating
What I like about this product?
I didn't actually notice much of a difference after the first wash. My hair did genuinely feel cleaner and soft- but don't most shampoos do that? It was only after about 2 weeks (approximately 5 washes) that I really noticed the condition of my hair changing. It has been a month of using the range and here's what I've noticed:
Hair feels softer and nourished.
I noticed zero increase with split ends- I had a trim about 4 weeks prior to starting the treatment. I usually would have HUNDREDS of split ends by now, from previous experience, but noticed that my ends look single (like me).
When I style my hair, the effects last longer- my hair usually goes back to its normal state after half a day, but I find it staying put now. I now leave my hair style/heat-free until the next wash.
It didn't cause my hair to fall any more than usual (nor did it help hair fall).
Affordable. I found the range cheaper from grocery stores instead of drugstores.
Easily accessible from most grocery stores and drugstores in South Africa.
You get a good amount of product. I've been using mine for a month and still have more than half the bottle of each product left.

I genuinely enjoyed using it and have noticed a positive difference in my hair. I feel what made it work even better was sticking to a healthy hair care routine. Because I knew I was reviewing it, I was taking extra care of my hair and taking steps I never bothered with before. Like applying a hair mask, using a detangling brush in the shower (aprox R40 from Clicks), using the lower settings of my hairdryer and reducing brushing by just using a wide toothed comb or finger brushing post-wash (brushing exacerbates frizz).

Basically it motivated me to really take care of my hair, which I regret not doing sooner! And I know we don't always have time for this, I'm also a girl-on-the-go, but doing the whole shower thing from my tips section and wearing oils and masks overnight actually doesn't take up any extra time. So I really found that incorporating proper hair care habits combined with the range worked beautifully on my hair. I'm always trying out different products which I will continue to do, but for now, I'm quite excited about these products and will stick with them for a while.

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