Beauty Bulletin

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4.8 21 0.5
Protection, SPF Creams October 10, 2014 960
The best for years!
Overall rating
I have been using tropitone for years! Love the deep tan dry oil as it protects my skin enough and also allows me to get a wonderfully golden tan. The Monoi Tahitian oil treats my skin to a silky smooth feel and helps it stay moisturised and glowing even after ive washed it off. And offcourse theres the all to familiar "sea holiday" smell! Takes me back to lying on the beach sipping cocktails wherever i am and using it! Also love the cool it after sun gel as i never peel after applying it. Light and cool, leaving my skin not so irritated and sore. I use the waterbabies spf 50 on my face as i have very sensitive skin. The Waterbabies milk spray is frangrance free, alcohol free and has Teavigo green tea extract which helps my skin stay clear from free radicals. I could write a book about the advantages of Tropitone and why you should use their products. But honestly, it's just a bunch of fabulous products that last, gives you protection, smells devine and really really works. Plus its not SUPER expensive!
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